Sunday, April 18, 2004


The Ultimate Victory

Once Jews were so compassionate toward others that we didn't concern
ourselves with our own welfare. The thought of having to fight for
our rights was so abhorrent that we just gave in.

After WWII we struck the healthy balance between compassion and
severity. We are still kind by nature and when circumstances allow
us to be, but we will defend ourselves. It was a pity that the
compassion of the Jews was so deeply entrenched and automatic in us
that it took the Holocaust to finally shake us and make us understand
that we have to worry about ourselves. Previously that idea was
entirely foreign to us.

The world remembers us as we were before WWII. They cannot
understand how we no longer go like sheep to the slaughter. They do
not understand who the New Jew is.

We weren't brutalized by WWII, that would have given them a measure
of victory over us. We remain a decent People, but we understood
finally that sometimes we have to defend ourselves.

Christianity, unfortunately, is still suffering the legacy of our
former confusion about compassion. They inherited this confusion.
Unfortunately too many people in the Christian world, even if they
aren't practicing suffer from misplaced compassion.

Compassion unchecked is every bit as destructive a force as is
severity. One of the great accomplishments that a Human being and a
People can make in this world is to know how to respond with
compassion and when not to.

I'm proud of my People and I am confident in our ability to gain a
very high level of Wisdom and balance.
