Wednesday, April 21, 2004



Do you ever feel like the life you're living is a rerun of a movie
you've seen a number of times before? The hairstyles and clothing
change, the background settings change, but the story line is the

I feel that way all the time. Maybe that's the reason that I don't
take current events very seriously, don't follow the lastest new
coverage, don't watch or listen to "updates". I guess my Soul is
old. I know current isn't current and news isn't new. It all looks
and sounds like "been there, done that, know how the story ends" to

Eternal truths have become important. The vagaries just don't
matter. I know that the words of King Sh'lomo (Solomon) are very,
very true: "That which was is that which will be again." -and as was
engraved on his royal seal and and as my mother used to say - "This
too shall pass."

I'm writing this because someone challenged me concerning the
politics of the State of Israel. I realized it wasn't the time for
him to hear what I want to say here to you:
I live in the eternal Israel. The goings on at the level of the
State are usually of no concern to me whatsoever. When they do
impinge on my life I pray to God to remove me from that level of
existence and return me to the eternal Israel - and God answers that
prayer. The reality we live in is always a function of our moral
level. We can always remove ourselves to a higher level by becoming
more moral.

As the Rabbis teach: Those who throw off the yoke of Torah (The
compendium of Jewish Law and Wisdom) take on the yoke of the world.
God save me from having to take on the yoke of the world.
