Saturday, December 23, 2017

Yes, Yerushalayim is the Holy and Eternal Capital of Israel

But what does that mean? We have to understand what that means deeply in order to appreciate the significance of Yerushalayim to the Jews and to the Nations and to know who is entitled to call Yerushalayim their Holiest City and their Capital. We have to know what it is what makes a City holy and when we do we will know who is entitled to dwell therein and who not.

David's Name means both Beloved and the One Who Loves. David is the Beloved of God precisely because David loves Humanity and all of the Creation and is, therefore, loved by them. It is immeasurably higher to love Man than to love God. David reached that level only with great exertion. David is the paradigm of everyone who had worked on themselves mightily to become as Holy and Pure as they can, having once been morally degraded. It is for this reason that David is the Beloved of God.

David reached an extremely high level of Soul expression in actuality, though he started out as a thug. One of the words that is equal to the Name David is
יד, [pronounced yad] which means hand and a memorial monument.
David does not just love with the Heart, but with the Hands – David's Love is hands on Love, in practice and very real.

Yerushalayim, the City that David built, contains the word Shalom, which everyone knows means Peace within in.

David built a City in Love in which which every thing, every Person, every physical thing, is Love and Peace in actuality.

The acts of Love and Peace in the City of David is what sanctified not only those who came to dwell there, but also every building, every road, every instrument...everything. Their Holy intentions put into practice made the material Holy and a fitting dwelling for God.

Yes, Yerushalayim today sits on the geographical spot that David walked on and where his son Shlomo built the Temple – which was not a building, but a monument to Love and Peace. Shlomo's Temple has never been destroyed. When we reach the level of Love and Peace of David and Shlomo and Michal and Bat Sheva we come to see that it still exists and always will.

Anyone who has not received a personal invitation from the House of David to come to live in Yerushalayim, after working on their characteristics and character mightily, is not yet welcome in the City of Love and Peace. Anyone who attempts to enter Yerushalayim except by invitation, enters by force are are invaders. Yerushalayim is not a place for the disruptive and the disturbed and those who would lord over others. In Yerushalayim everyone is Sovereign. Everyone resembles David. Yerushalayim is not a place for politics. It is not place for wheeling and dealing. It is not a place to plan wars. It is not a place to legislate laws that are not in keeping with the Torah of Moshe and the Holy Prophets and the Just Kings. It is not a place to impoverish the weak. It is not a place to throw the handicapped out of their wheelchairs when they demonstrate for a livable income. It is not a place of unjust court and unjust judges. Ottoman laws are not used to prosecute just Jews in Yerusalayim. It is not a headquarters for the Trafficking of Children. Yerushalayim is the haven for those who have worked very hard on themselves to be people who no longer make the angels weep.
Those who conduct themselves with barbarity and selfishness and violence and look to see how they can harm others and use others, as does the government of the State that calls itself Israel but does not love the People of Israel or hold our Tradition dear [for all their arm waving and posing and protesting that they do], those who force their way into Yerushalayim are invaders and occupiers – not of “Palestinian” land - but of the Jewish Holy Land.

If you genuinely respect Yerushalayim as the Holy City of Israel, Mr. President, you will help the Jewish Lovers of Peace to reclaim Yerushalayim. It is currently under invasion and attack by brutes claiming to be Jews but who do not love Yisrael or the Nations or God's Creations.

Anyone who is not a meek lover of Peace is not a true and welcome and belonging denizen of the City of David. They are an invader.