Tuesday, March 14, 2006

When The Irresistible Force Meets the Unmovable Object

Robertson Finds Radical Muslims 'Satanic'


The confluence we are sharing is a spectacular one - filled with danger and supersaturated with opportunity.

The Christian world is reaping the whirlwind of the winds it sowed in the Crusades. Its own megalomaniacal aspirations of spiritual world conquest are coming back to haunt it and challenge it for a final showdown. They do not recognize their own image being reflected back to them. They imagine that, having laid down the weapons of the Middle Ages and desisted from armed evangelism, they have been forgiven and their actions have been forgotten. They do not know that the perturbations and disruptions they caused in the universe when they swung their maces and engaged their catapults are still reverberating and are returning to them.

The discovery of the Coelacanth changed the way we think about "extinction" forever. Scientists, wholly baffled, ask: "How could Coelacanths disappear for over 80 million years and then turn up alive and well in the twentieth century?" They use the terms as though they have some vague idea of what they mean.

The Okapi and other animals, most recently a "rat squirrel", thought to be long extinct have been discovered alive.

The genetic mutation that causes some of the siblings that belong to a family in Turkey to behave in a quasi-apelike/humanoid manner has caused scientists to ask if they are witnessing a case of human devolution. They note, however, that the family are characterized by singular love, warmth and acceptance - far in advance of that evinced by most human families. Scientists are entertaining the possibility that this is a case of devolution based upon what appears to be findings of devolution in other species.

The universe is showing us that our conception of time is wholly inadequate. We are amazed by the above-mentioned discoveries because we cling to a hopelessly inadequate conception of time. Time is certainly not a vector; that illusion is an artifact our consciousness. The common understanding of reincarnation is based on this illusion.

Space-time is the creation of our emotions, most particularly our inability or unwillingness to encounter objects, persons, situations, etc. We create space-time in order to distance ourselves, to put someone or something off.

The Irresistible Force that compels us to learn, encounter and accept is coming up against the Unmovable Object of our unwillingness to be divested of our ways of conceiving and cognizing. Our collective consciousness, and thus our universe, is imploding. But, never mind. The next universe we create will be bigger and better, as was the last universe we created, as is this one...

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel