Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Don't Misunderestimate Him

I serendipitously came across the following blog:

I present it not merely for your entertainment. It's really not at all funny.

I have suspected for some time that a program has been implemented in the US to divest people of the ability to think incisively and discern by systematically dulling their linguistic tools.

I don't believe for a single moment that Bush's malapropisms are the expressions of mere semi-literacy. He does not speak impromptu. He is, after all, the President of the United States. His speeches are painstakingly crafted by professional writers whose job it is to imbed subliminal messages.

I think that Bush speaks as he does in order to set the tone for unclear and imprecise speech so that the thought of the American populace, and by extension entire English-speaking world, will become increasingly unclear. Our powers of discernment are being whittled away systematically.

I don't know who this semi-literate, soi-disant editor Peggy is, but I suspect that her blog is not simply a compendium of egregious and laughable errors. I'm quite sure that many young people are not laughing along with us.

I think that "Peggy", and many more like her, are employed to disseminate fuzzy language and encourage fuzzy thinking.

Imagine if we were youngsters today. Would we be able to speak, read and write English as we do? I think not.

Soon we will be gone and with us the ability to discern between and among fine points and think analytically will go. There will be no one to correct the young people's spelling, grammar and syntax. There will be no one to lead them out of the haze. There will be no one to provide young people with the exacting mathematical and linguistic tools they need to clarify nebulous ideas to themselves and then articulate them to others - and someone is very interested in bringing about that state of affairs.

I recently came across the following:

I think it lends substantial endorsement to the observations and concerns I expressed above.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel