Charge Social Workers with Crimes Against Humanity
This is an *urgent* clarion call to everyone concerned with justice and human dignity to turn to bodies and individuals concerned with human rights with an urgent plea to have the Social Services systems charged with Serial Crimes Against the Most Vulnerable Among Humanity.
I urge you to watch the videos on You Tube about Social Workers and familiarize yourselves with the scope and depths of depravity of their atrocities.
As this video was uploading, I was notified of cases where parents complained to the police in Israel that their minor children were raped. The children were removed from the home and put in institutions. Parents are afraid to report when their children are harmed because stories like this are in the press.
Everyone talks about what the militaries' roles will be when the NWO comes in. We'd better be thinking about the Social Worker's role. Their files will be checked too – for who will live and who will not.
Charge Social Workers with Crimes Against Humanity
לתבוע שרותי הרווחה על פשעים נגד האנושות
With blessings,
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat
Tags: Social Worker, Eugenics, Corruption, Children, Youth, Adoption, Foster Care, Institutions, Juvenile Judges, Crime, Atrocity, Torture, Handicapped, Geriatric
This is an *urgent* clarion call to everyone concerned with justice and human dignity to turn to bodies and individuals concerned with human rights with an urgent plea to have the Social Services systems charged with Serial Crimes Against the Most Vulnerable Among Humanity.
I urge you to watch the videos on You Tube about Social Workers and familiarize yourselves with the scope and depths of depravity of their atrocities.
As this video was uploading, I was notified of cases where parents complained to the police in Israel that their minor children were raped. The children were removed from the home and put in institutions. Parents are afraid to report when their children are harmed because stories like this are in the press.
Everyone talks about what the militaries' roles will be when the NWO comes in. We'd better be thinking about the Social Worker's role. Their files will be checked too – for who will live and who will not.
Charge Social Workers with Crimes Against Humanity
לתבוע שרותי הרווחה על פשעים נגד האנושות
With blessings,
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat
Tags: Social Worker, Eugenics, Corruption, Children, Youth, Adoption, Foster Care, Institutions, Juvenile Judges, Crime, Atrocity, Torture, Handicapped, Geriatric