Monday, March 24, 2008

Rockefeller Is a Socialist, Actually an Anarcho-Capitalist, Too

It would not be an exaggeration to say that your brand of "Anarchism" is modeled on his. He's certainly spent enough money arranging things that way.

"1973. After a trip to China, David Rockefeller praised Mao Tse-tung who had slaughtered over 40 million people. His report, "From a China Traveler," highlights the goals presented in UN reports such as "
The Commission on Global Governance" and UNESCO's Our Creative Diversity. Both focus on lofty ideals such as peace, harmony and unity in the communitarian "global" village -- a vision that demands absolute control and universal participation in facilitated small groups (modeled by the hierarchy of "soviets" or councils in Communist lands):

"One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony.... Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution it has obviously succeeded... in fostering high morale and community purpose. General social and economic progress is no less impressive....The enormous social advances of China have benefited greatly form the singleness of ideology and purpose.... The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in history." New York Times, 8-10-1973.""

I heartily suggest that you read these two pages in their entirety:

If you will be honest, you'll see a lot of your brand of Socialism in the Rockefeller "vision".

Many have been the time I have heard paraphrases of the following statement made by Rockefeller issuing from the mouths of "Anarchists":

"The anti-Rockefeller focus of these otherwise incompatible political positions owes much to Populism. 'Populists' believe in conspiracies, and one of the most enduring is that a secret group of international bankers and capitalists, and their minions, control the world's economy. Because of my name and prominence as the head of the Chase for many years, I have earned the distinction of 'conspirator in chief' from some of these people."

Every time you, would-be Anarchist or Socialist, call a true Anarchist and Socialist, one who has not been pre-empted by the system, a "conspiracy theorist" when they describe to you the social engineering that is being carried out on you; you are not stating your own opinion or speaking from knowledge that you have gleaned over a period of diligent and assiduous research. You are parroting Rockefeller and Bush, or, more correctly, the cheap agents they have placed in your midst, who have modeled their brand of"Anarchy" and "Socialism" for you and which you are emulating.

That should come as no surprise. The non-Marxist Left has been a major target of infiltration and PsyOps since the 1970s.

This is the new "Socialism" as well:

The Takedown of Australia!

"Australia's implementation of Agenda 21 exceeds that of all other common law countries. The citizens of Queensland, Australia have had their property rights stripped so to advance the globalist political agenda. Read how the State of Queensland is now removed from the protections of the Australian Constitution. A privately owned state corporation now owns and controls all land-use activity in Queensland. This horrific experience is destroying the life and culture of those living there and provides a prototype example of what public/private partnership really means.

This powerful document was produced by Sue and Lindsay Maynes and the EnviroWild Team of Australia. "

You can read the entire article here:,com_docman/task,doc_details/Itemid,20/gid,126/

That is what your near future looks like.

Today, 30 – 40% of prisoners in the US are incarcerated in privately-owned prisons. The organization that own those prisons are highly lucrative businesses that float their stocks on Wall Street. Their cost-effectiveness is the deprivation and degradation of human beings. Their partnerships involve allowing unethical research to be performed on the prisoners. This is Lysander Spooner's, and more so, Benjamin Tucker's "dream". Anarcho-Capitalism is precisely what the Rockefellers are after.

I'll leave you with another thought. The Rockefellers are not at the top of the pyramid. They, like JP Morgan belong to a class of underlings, a class of "lieutenants". They are controlled by a very few people whose fortunes are so vast, mere billionaires do their bidding. Those people are the Rothschilds.

I am an individualist Anarchist on the personal and social level and Anarcho-Communist on the economic level, that is, the only kind of true Anarchist, not an Anarcho-Communist as they have been portrayed to you and not an Anarcho-Communist as they came to conduct themselves after being heavily infiltrated. I am an individualist Anarchist on the personal and social level and Anarcho-Communist on the economic level from the old school. I may very well be the last Anarchist of this breed on earth if you refuse to disable the implants in your psyches that are triggered whenever you hear a buzz word or see certain symbols.

The only true Anarchism is individualist Anarchism on the personal and social level and and Anarcho-Communist on the economic level.

All the rest of it is nuance, like Green individualist Anarchism on the personal and social level and Anarcho-Communist on the economic level, Queer individualist Anarchism on the personal and social level and Anarcho-Communist on the economic level, Feminist individualist Anarchism on the personal and social level and and Anarcho-Communist on the economic level, Primitivist individualist Anarchism on the personal and social level and Anarcho-Communist on the economic level, etc.

Any vestiges of capital in a society will lead to the amassing of capital, which leads to Plutocracy and Corporatism, which is Fascism.

Never will a David Rockefeller, or anyone like him be able to say of me:

"Jiang Zemin, president of the People's Republic of China and heir apparent to Deng Xiaoping; Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic... Yasser Arafat... and, finally, Fidel Castro.... With the exception of Havel, these men had vowed to fight to the death against imperialist America. Now, with the end of the Cold War, they flocked to the center of world capitalism, eager to meet and close deals with American bankers and corporate executives, or at least to be seen with them -- even Castro"

I know damn well they could buy the lot of you for far less, in fact, they have. But I also know that you are capable of ransoming yourselves, if you will.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel