Friday, April 11, 2008

1st Annual Militant Turn It Off Day

The Canadian people are becoming radicalized in a beautiful way due to the US invasion of their country with the complicity of their PM.

I remember the Anglophone Canadians as being laid-back to the point of being milquetoast, at least when I lived there, and so this is a great development.

It shows how much they value their way of life and more so, People.

They are very active in anti-New World Orderism and the 9/11 Truth Movement.

One of the wonderful things they're doing is called the Regenesis Project .

See here:

Another one of the things they're doing is starting out small, but it could grow into something big, very, very big. It's the 1st Annual Militant Turn if Off Day.

Date: Thursday, June 5, 2008
Time: 12:00am - 11:55pm
Location: Global

See here:

Every day is Militant Turn it Off Day in our home and has been for the past 25 years.

Making the decision to get rid of our TV, 25 years ago, was one of the best decisions that my husband and I made for our individual mental, physical and emotional health; our relationship (we've had sooo much more time to relate to one another and do other things together and separately); and, most of all, for the kids.

I invite you to join in and pointedly TURN THAT ONE-EYED MONSTER OFF if you own one (or more).

It seems like a small thing to do, but the message it will send to D'Powerz Dat Be, the message that you're rejecting the method of brainwash and control they depend upon most heavily, that you can, despite the money they've poured into addicting you to it, turn it off and walk away, is a powerful and further empowering act of self-preservation.

Let's make this wonderful initiative international.
