Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The Difference Between Faith and Knowledge of God

There is a way of thinking about God that inevitably leads nowhere. It is the thinking of God only in the third person. It is the belief that some great Being other than and outside of oneself has the power to affect your life. What is paradoxical is that you believe that this Power that isn't you has the power to affect your life as you would want it to be affected. That is magical thinking. Essentially, it is the substitution of one addiction for another, and it always fails in the end leaving us utterly bereft of hope. You are setting yourself up for a terrible let down. None are more disillusioned than those who thought of God this way and found it isn't true. They are left with nothing and they hit a terrible bottom.

There is another way of thinking about God that does work. It is the knowledge that God is the first person, second person and third person, singular and plural. That means simply that you experience, not believe but experience, everything as an expression of God - you, others, everything around you. Surely God is also transcendent to everything in creation, but this type of experience also allows you to experience your own awesome Holy Power and that of other Human beings, as well as everything in creation. You will not be disillusioned if you see things this way.

You will come to understand prayer as not being a plaint to another Being, but as a call to and mobilization of God within you and within all creation for good. Everything in creation has the ability, right and even the responsibility to send out this clarion call to the All to come to fight for the right. It is the same Power within you, within us and within every created thing. You cannot fail this way.

This is the difference between faith and Knowledge of God.