Monday, October 19, 2009

I Could Never Understand Why Euro- Gentiles Criticize Israel So

After all, don't they have real atrocities of their own to attend to at home? Are not the Aboriginal peoples still languishing on poverty-stricken reservations and being used routinely in experiments?

I suddenly realized it has nothing to do with concern for the Palestinians at all.
Their real concern is fear. It's very frightening for Xian Whites to realize how much power and money we Jews have accumulated and know we have real reasons to want to get back at them.Jews are so not given to thoughts of revenge, that it never occurs to us that they are afraid that we will take revenge on them.

Jews, whose entire lives are spent in moral self-assessment and reflection and self-criticism and mutual moral criticism and rectification immediately and automatically think that if Euro-Gentiles are criticizing us, it must be that we are really doing something wrong.

As people who were taught never to take vengeance, it never occurs to us that the basis of their criticism is not morality at all, but the fact that their conscience is telling them that the Jews have every reason to take revenge, and now have the ability to do so.

The matter is so simple that I feel embarrassed that I never saw it before. I just never saw it because my knee-jerk reaction to moral criticism as a Jew is to search myself for wrongdoing without considering from whom the criticism is coming and why it really might be being leveled. I am sure that many, many Jews do not see it because when we are criticized for hurting someone we immediately go into: OMG! I'm not OK! mode.
