Thursday, October 16, 2008

You can take the Christian out of the Evangelical but…

you can't take the evangelical out of the Christian.


When Christians wake up to the fact that *their* religion is based on gross misunderstandings of Judaism and doesn't have a leg to stand on except for the truths of Judaism they sometimes espouse; they immediately go on a crusade for atheism.

*Christianity* is fake. The rest of the religions are genuine and, though they have been distorted, are largely true.

Someone asked me:

"How can they all be Genuine..Wouldn't only one be Genuine???"

I answered:

All of the colors of the spectrum are light, but they exist on different frequency ranges. All the colors are needed to produce white light.So it is with religions. They all possess universal truths in common, but each are suited to the very specific moral/spiritual gifts and abilities of the Peoples to whom they were given.Each is necessary for the full moral/spiritual expression of Humanity.

Christianity, having arrogated and intentionally distorted the Torah of the Jews and perpetrating horrendous violence on so many Peoples, is not counted among the genuine religions of the world.Christianity is the only religion that one had better leave. Unlike the others, there isn't anything in it that can be purified and salvaged. Anything true in Christianity is Judaism. The rest is utter lies and worse.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel