Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Duct Tape and WD-40 of Enlightenment - All You'll Ever Need

People ask whether or not God exists because they think of God in the third person, singular or plural depending upon their religion, only.

When we understand God in the first, second and third persons singular and plural concomitantly the question of whether or not God exists becomes far clearer.

Extant beings are God in Its imminence. There are levels of existence: potential existence, quasi-existence, semi-existence and then there's really and sincerely existent. The last of these is full existence. The key word is not 'really', but rather 'sincerely', because we are only real insofar as we are sincere. It is when we lie to ourselves and others and are not other-directed that we become uncertain of our own existence and, in fact, fall to a lower level of existence.

On the level of imminence God is struggling to become.

God in Its transcendence has no qualities whatsoever and there is nothing that can be attributed to God.

On the level of transcendence God is playing being imminent. This is a game of peek-a-boo with Itself. It is not an entirely lighthearted game. God creates forgetfulness of Self within Itself and creates the illusion of being extant beings within Itself because endless Aloneness is intolerable.

The kindness that we do to God is to be kind to "others", to go along with the game of believing there are others and to express love to them. In doing this we are allowing God the illusion of believing that there is really another to love. This is a paradox. We become really and sincerely real when we go along with the illusion God creates for Itself that there are others "out there" to love.

The fun begins when we can go back and forth between the two phases, i.e., transcendence and imminence, at will. Then we can wink in and out of existence and basically write our own ticket as to who and what we want to embody ourselves as. Paradoxically too, it is at this point that we come to accept being ourselves and do so of pure free choice.

God cannot be said to exist on the level of Its transcendence. Even existence cannot be ascribed to God in and of Itself. It wills and enables Itself to exist on the level of Its imminence. That's us. This more often than not involves a forgetting of What we really are – that for the sake of the illusion of other which exists in order to be able to love.

The substratum of all reality is mathematical/linguistic/moral phonemes. We create our realities in accordance with our awareness of these phonemes and our mastery of them.

The mathematical component of the phonemes allows for infinite substitution values. Therefore, there are infinite equivalent, but not identical, versions of anything that may be created by the mind. We eventually arrive at a level whereupon we can choose how and what to perceive, as well as to be, but when we arrive at that level we find that we delight in allowing others to create us in their consciousness as they will.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel