Friday, August 27, 2004


The following was written in response to someone who fell prey to the temptation to think that a passage in תורה speaks about a particular current event.

There is nothing that is written in Torah that is not eternally true and perpetually true, generally true and specifically true. Some Prophets of Israel spoke about matters that were relevant for a specific time, usually their own time. They were "lesser" Prophets and their words were not made part of the Canon. That which was recorded in Torah and made part of תנ"ך is always true. It is tempting to try to ascribe the events in one's own time to that which is written in Torah. In fact, if you will observe human behavior, you will see that that which Yeshayhu HaNavi wrote describes people in every generation. That is why he is considered so great a prophet. He saw into the heart of human nature, regardless of time and place and specific circumstances.

It is also dangerous to learn Torah in translation - any translation. Only in Hebrew are the real meanings and intentions of what is written by the Prophets clear. Though it looks as though they criticize human being and their sins, in fact even as they spoke they were making expiation for us - in every generation, in every time. Their "fire and brimstone" is actually prayers for us and blessings. Only in Hebrew can this be seen.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel