Sunday, May 27, 2007

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Oral Law is Now Mandated in Laputa Manqué

Henceforward, and from now on too, Oral has been instituted as the Law in all the Realm of Laputa Manqué.

In consideration of the manqué of the subjects of Laputa, We have found it proper and fitting to mandate Oral and not require masturbation of Our subjects. The Queen of the Laputans Manqué is an enlightened and compassionate Monarch and does not wish the good subjects to bring harm upon themselves.

Anyone found guilty of not performing cunnilingus (preferably double clitics) or fellatio, or both, in the course of any sexual encounter will be subject to public humiliation and catcalling from brawny, sweaty construction workers perched precariously on scaffoldings and rails on the buildings surrounding the commons.

Is that new Page, Horatio, around? Have him toss a couple of fish to the Official Seal and then attach it hereto. Then have him washed and brought to Our tent.

Queen Doreen of Laputa Manqué, Rhomboid and Pneumatic

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel