B"H This blog is a compendium of my thoughts on various topics. These are my private writings. *No portion of any of the material here may be recopied or used in any way without my express written permission.* CONTACT: DoreenDotan@gmail.com
Friday, December 28, 2018
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
משיח - משגיח - משפחה
משיח - משגיח - משפחה
משיח הוא חלק ממושגים נעלים ונשגבים וקדושים אף יותר.
מקום בו אות סופית כתובה בחלופים הבאים, הכוונה היא לערך של האות הסופית.
זכרו נא כי א = 1 = 1000
זכרו נא כי א = 1 = 1000
מ + קמץ = 1080 = 81 = אנכי
משיח = 358 = חדוש חלב = בכל אשה = חקרי יהודיה = חקרי היהודי = חדוש אבותיכם = 1357 = 358 = חדוש כתר אבותי = פרדס דוד = גוה פרדס = את הרה בת פרדס = עורי כנסת ישראל = ישראל עליון = עבר מועצת החכמות = מועצת החכמות הויה מדבר = משה אהבה = גופי מדבר אהבה
המשיח = 363 = שובי היהודיה = פרוש נכון = 1362 = 363 = חקרי היהודיה = חדוש היהודיה = כל העבר חי בהוה = גם את משיח = את בני ישראל משיח
מרים = 850 = משה שרה = שרה גופי מדבר = יהושע בן נון = 1849 = 850 = כל נשמתי = שתי עיני = שדה ישראל = שדה אמך
ברית = 612 = כל בניך = עלץ תורה = 1611 = 612 = קרן תורה
חדשה = 317 = כל ספרי התורה מכל דור = 1316 = 317 = כל ישראל כל העם
משיח = 358 = חדוש חלב = בכל אשה = חקרי יהודיה = חקרי היהודי = חדוש אבותיכם = 1357 = 358 = חדוש כתר אבותי = פרדס דוד = גוה פרדס = את הרה בת פרדס = עורי כנסת ישראל = ישראל עליון = עבר מועצת החכמות = מועצת החכמות הויה מדבר = משה אהבה = גופי מדבר אהבה
המשיח = 363 = שובי היהודיה = פרוש נכון = 1362 = 363 = חקרי היהודיה = חדוש היהודיה = כל העבר חי בהוה = גם את משיח = את בני ישראל משיח
מרים = 850 = משה שרה = שרה גופי מדבר = יהושע בן נון = 1849 = 850 = כל נשמתי = שתי עיני = שדה ישראל = שדה אמך
ברית = 612 = כל בניך = עלץ תורה = 1611 = 612 = קרן תורה
חדשה = 317 = כל ספרי התורה מכל דור = 1316 = 317 = כל ישראל כל העם
משגיח = 361 = אנשי = נשיא = משיח בא = משיח
בבשרך = 1360 = 361
אבותינו = 475 = עתה = הקרקע = הרקיע נולד =
הרקיע מוליד = הרגיע יודע
= הרקיע הוה עד
אבותי משגיחים = 1390 = 391 = ישועה = פה אשה = אשה היסוד
= הרקיע הוה עד
אבותי משגיחים = 1390 = 391 = ישועה = פה אשה = אשה היסוד
מכל דור משגיחים = 1746 = 747 = זמן = מקראות = להבין = מהשבת
בן היהודיה
משגיח = 361 = אנשי = נשיא = משיח בא = משיח בבשרך = 1360 = 361
משגיח = 361 = אנשי = נשיא = משיח בא = משיח בבשרך = 1360 = 361
= 475 = עתה = הקרקע = הרקיע נולד = הרקיע מוליד = הרקיע מול דוד = הרגיע יודע =
הרקיע הגו המלא
= הרקיע הוה
עד = את עד = ישעיהו מתגלם = 1474 = עדת
העתיק הקדוש
משגיחים = 1390 = 391 = ישועה = פה אשה = אשה היסוד
מכל דור משגיחים = 1746 = 747 = זמן = מקראות = להבין = מהשבת
= בן היהודיה
מכל דור משגיחים עלינו = 1912 = 913 =
בראשית = אשרי בת
= בית
אשר = זאת שרה = אהבת שרה
= 361 = אנשי = נשיא = משיח בא = משיח בבשרך = 1360 = 361
= 475 = עתה = הקרקע = הרקיע נולד = הרקיע מוליד = הרגיע יודע
= הרקיע
הוה עד
משגיחים = 1390 = 391 = ישועה = פה אשה = אשה היסוד
מכל דור משגיחים = 1746 = 747 = זמן = מקראות = להבין = מהשבת
= בן
מכל דור משגיחים עלינו = 1912 = 913 = בראשית = אשרי בת
בית אשר = זאת שרה = אהבת שרה = עתה משגיחים עלינו מכל דור
הקדושה עליונה – קדושת המשפחה:
משפחה = 433 = נהיה המשיח = אני דוד ההגשמה = אני הגו ההגשמה = אני הקבוץ ההגשמה = 1432 = נוה הקבוץ ההגשמה = החשן אבותי = את לב = את השוכן = אתה שוכן = לב ישעיהו = אבי ואמי משיח תגל = פרדס וחשן מתגלם = 2431 = 433 = בת אל = משיח העתיק הקדוש מתגלם = כבת העתיקה הקדושה
משפחה = 433 = נהיה המשיח = אני דוד ההגשמה = אני הגו ההגשמה = אני הקבוץ ההגשמה = 1432 = נוה הקבוץ ההגשמה = החשן אבותי = את לב = את השוכן = אתה שוכן = לב ישעיהו = אבי ואמי משיח תגל = פרדס וחשן מתגלם = 2431 = 433 = בת אל = משיח העתיק הקדוש מתגלם = כבת העתיקה הקדושה
ותגל הארץ
התואר משיח מנוקד
מָשִׁיחַ = מ קמץ ש נקדה מבחינה בצד ימין חירק י ח חטף פתח =
4151 = 155 = נקה = תמים בארץ = 2153 = 155 = אמי בארץ = סולח אמי
זה כל הענין - לסלוח לאמהותינו מכל הדורות. זה השלום
Sunday, November 25, 2018
- MCTC - The 4th International Seminar for Judges,
October 2018
is wonderful. It is giving the judges in Israel a chance to reform
themselves gracefully. But now they can't say that they didn't know,
weren't informed and acted in ignorance.
they know that experts in Child Trafficking from all over the world are
monitoring Israel, which had a very ugly, long and dreadful history of
Child Trafficking.
The monitoring is being done elegantly and with the utmost gentleness and respect - but it is being done.
Thank God and thank You.
However, the Nazis that infiltrated Israeli are DEEP in the judicial system. The judges that aren't children and grandchildren of Nazis are fig leaves who are very heavily controlled and kept on a short leash.They have files on all of the judges to keep them in line. Ditto for the politicians and the lawyers.
The first places to look for Nazis in Israel are in the Tax Authority and in the Judiciary.
However, the Nazis that infiltrated Israeli are DEEP in the judicial system. The judges that aren't children and grandchildren of Nazis are fig leaves who are very heavily controlled and kept on a short leash.They have files on all of the judges to keep them in line. Ditto for the politicians and the lawyers.
The first places to look for Nazis in Israel are in the Tax Authority and in the Judiciary.
Friday, November 23, 2018
Conspiracy. Huh?
In 1948, then Immigration Minister, Moshe Shapiro, held a press conference in which he said that he had evidence that among the immigrants were female S.S. Officers who had married Jews to nefarious purposes.
Conspiracy. Huh?
In 1948, then Immigration Minister, Moshe Shapiro, held a press conference in which he said that he had evidence that among the immigrants were female S.S. Officers who had married Jews to nefarious purposes.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Sunday, November 04, 2018
And I have the distinctive privilege of having one of the judges who convicted Roman Zadarov and sent him to prison for life without *any* DNA evidence against him, Esther Helman, hearing the appeal of my conviction for "insulting" a social worker -*without any evidence* and with evidence *contradicting* the version of the police and the State Attorney, Shai Nitzan himself who is insisting on my conviction because, my real crime is being [morally] intelligent, as they said in court - twice.
And I have the distinctive privilege of having one of the judges who convicted Roman Zadarov and sent him to prison for life without *any* DNA evidence against him, Esther Helman, hearing the appeal of my conviction for "insulting" a social worker -*without any evidence* and with evidence *contradicting* the version of the police and the State Attorney, Shai Nitzan himself who is insisting on my conviction because, my real crime is being [morally] intelligent, as they said in court - twice.
Just two months ago another many was freed from prison after over a decade having been convicted of a murder he didn't commit.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Thursday, October 18, 2018
- Required Reading
Most of the stuff written about the Freemasons and the Vatican and the Jewish connection is garbled nonsense - a heady mixture of truth, half-truth, lies, damn lies and hallucination. But this is absolutely critical reading:
http://www.conspiracyschool.com/rosicrucians-and-freemasons See especially the section: THE NEW KABBALAH
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
This is very similar to the message that I sent to the
U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons Office
U.S. Department of State
This version is somewhat adapted for the general public.
you ever, I mean EVER heard of a country that bangs on all the day long
about a particularly sensitive security situation and then allows the
Head of the Lawyers' Assn, who is also the Head of the Judicial Ethics
Committee AND on the select Committee of nine that chooses Judges in
Israel to leave and enter the country with a person without a passport?
of Justice, Ayelet Shaked, is giving Ephraim Naveh full support for
exiting and entering Israel with a female without a passport. Why if she
is a 28-year-old Israeli, as they claim, does she not have a passport?
Ayelet Shaked said that former Heads of the Lawyers' Assn. were
investigated for worse. So, she can't see why there is a public uproar
about this.
Shaked, a member of the ultra-nationalist nut bag, corruption ridden,
scandal addled "Israel is Our Home party", has sponsored, and had
passed, a number of Fascist laws - all in the name of national security.
They *all* limit democracy here.
Shaked is a computer engineer who has openly called for the closing
down of Facebook and Twitter - not because there isn't free enough
speech on them, but because there is too much for her tastes. Be very
clear about this: Ayelet Shaked and her cohorts mean to control the
internet internationally, not just for Israelis. She is just the kind of
person that Google would love to partner with. She did not call for the
shutting down of Google.
This 15 seconds says it all:
Virtually nothing in English about this.
one imagine a clearer signal to Child Traffickers and infiltrators of
all kinds that Israel is free hunting ground than this?
has not done nothing [that the public can see at least] to get the
regime in Israel, which is an *anti-Semitic regime*, that's right you
read right, under control. They are completely and utterly out of
control. Trump's a tough guy all over the world - but when it comes to
the Jewish mafia, to which he is quite literally married, he is a wet
noodle. Americans should question him about this.
Muller *does* know about it and it would be better if Trump's
supporters knew it too. Trump is likely being held political hostage by
the Jewish mafia and when push comes to shove, he may funk out on you if
he is not supported to be able to go up against them.
There is not one decent Jew, Christian or Muslim in Israel who wants this current state of affairs.
Imagine how the Israeli version of Project Paperclip would look, how deep and wide it would be.
Do you know that 80-90% of "the Palestinians" are genetically Jewish.
Yes, they were forced to convert to Islam a few generations ago. Knowing
this, we can begin to ask why war is really being waged on them by
"Israel". Why are Jewish Jews being made to hate and sent to murder Jews
who are forced to observe Islam?
to understand how Project Paperclip in Israel really works and how
highly and deeply placed it is? It is illegal to call anyone a Nazi
directly here.
Labor Party member Meirav Michaeli is the granddaughter of a known Nazi collaborator, Rudolph Kastner.
Trump know you know these things [after vetting what I'm saying for
veracity]. He needs to know that the public knows that he's too soft on
"Israel" and that his cleaning up the international mess that evil Jews
are causing is expected. Every good Jew will be with you. We cannot
stomach what is going on.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
This is Ayelet Shaked. She's a member of one of Israel's most nutbag Fascist parties, Israel is Our Home.
She is currently the Minister of Justice under Netanyahu.
The video is before she got into gov't.
First she says something about power, which was cut off.
Then she says: I really hope that I'll be elected to the ruling power. I'll do what has to be done: shut down Facebook and Twitter. Until then, there's freedom of speech in Israel. That just the way it is [as if to say, she really doesn't like it].
She is currently the Minister of Justice under Netanyahu.
The video is before she got into gov't.
First she says something about power, which was cut off.
Then she says: I really hope that I'll be elected to the ruling power. I'll do what has to be done: shut down Facebook and Twitter. Until then, there's freedom of speech in Israel. That just the way it is [as if to say, she really doesn't like it].
Be very clear about this. She worked as a computer engineer. She doesn't just mean to block FB and Twitter in Israel. She means to shut them down.
Monday, October 08, 2018
Are Reason Why
the Jews Were Chosen to Be the Keepers and Guardians of HaShem’s
you have every heard, seen or experienced - including what you are now reading
and including your most cherished traditions and what you consider to be the
highest wisdom, has arrived at your senses and your mind and emotions as
garbled Hebrew.
Human languages are Hebrew that was shattered as a result of actions that the
Body never should have engaged in.
inherit the merits and the sins of our Ancestors. That may not seem fair, but
it gives us the opportunity to correct their deeds for them.
only language that has all of the keys to the Kingdom of God intact and whole
is Hebrew.
Jews are the Keepers of those Keys. It is of no consequence if you like this or
not, think it's fair or not, think we deserve this Station or not. It doesn't
matter even if we agree with you on that. This is God's decision.
there is Wisdom we do not share with you, matters we ask you not to try to
touch with your minds shattered as they are by your languages, if we tell you
not to touch that which you are not meant to - trust us that we are not
engaging in a superiority trip, being mean or being stingy. We have no such
petty sentiments.
are keeping what is meant for you in trust accounts for you until you are ready
to draw on them. You will not be allowed access to your trust accounts until
such time as you are mature enough to use what is in them wisely and well.
we ask you not to try to understand our Torah in your languages, if we tell you
not to try to arrogate our Tradition, if we tell you that you do not yet
possess the Holy Spirit which enlivens Hebrew and makes the letters become
matter and Life itself - believe us. It will not help you to try to ape us. You
can huff and puff on a few mispronounced Hebrew words or try to write Hebrew
[incorrectly] - but it will avail you nothing but feeling inauthentic.
I said, you will not be allowed access to your trust accounts until you are
ready. Trying to take them by force as a result of curiosity or any desire for
yourself, or even others, not commensurate with that level of Wisdom will
extend that time that you are not ready indefinitely.
will not be able to inherit that which you tried to steal. You can not be
gifted the priceless jewels of Wisdom you think are already in your possession,
when in fact all you have is a bauble or a counterfeit.
Sunday, October 07, 2018
Very High Level Arrest in Israel
reports did not say that the female accompanying Ephraim Neveh and
trying to get into Israel without a passport was called in for
may very well be that other very high level jurists, including the
Minister of Justice, Ayelet Shaked are going to be closely examined in
this matter.
Attorney General, Avichai Mendelblit, has recused himself from
prosecuting this matter because he is close to Ephraim Naveh.
Shaked, who looks like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, but is
connected with most of Israel's attempt to control the internet is
Ephraim Naveh's closest ally. She is a computer engineer. She also heads
the Committee that chooses judges. And she's ultra-Right Wing. I mean
more Right wing than any nice Jewish girl oughta be if you get my drift.
put a black-out on this incident for a few days and many in Israel are
asking why. Now Shaked is defending Naveh and calling public outcry a
"witch hunt" . She said he is innocent until proven guilty. But he confessed *and* there must be witnesses as the airport, to wit: the person who was checking passports and his/her supervisors and the cameras. Everyone else who confesses is automatically guilty, even if
evidence shows they are innocent.
This story is getting weirder by the hour.
also see my FB page. There you can see posts in the translation
function. Ephraim Naveh is the man with the shaved head. Many Israeli
male attorneys shave their heads. What's the message supposed to be?
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