האם נעשה משפט? אין ספק כי לא נעשה צדק
B"H This blog is a compendium of my thoughts on various topics. These are my private writings. *No portion of any of the material here may be recopied or used in any way without my express written permission.* CONTACT: DoreenDotan@gmail.com
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
According to Peter Gad Naschitz, Esq., Israel is still under English Admiralty law. As such, Israel is still under the British Mandate.
Thus, the policies being carried out by agents planted in the Israeli government against the Palestinians, over 50% of whom are genetically Jewish, are *British* policies.
If you'll see my videos on my You Tube channel, SilverRedIndigo; you will also see that Israel is profoundly under the sway of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
Most Israelis are 2nd or 3rd Generation Experimentation Subjects
When I first moved into this building in the OFER neighborhood of Tzfat, Israel; a resident, who had just been released from prison, came over to me and said: "You're new here. Too bad you came here. You'll find that ever year you spend in this neighborhood will be like 10 tens in prison."
I'll never forget those words.
This video, which shows footage of the living conditions in the OFER neighborhood of Tzfat, is an accompanying video to: ZEFAT, Israel: A Short Tour of the Poor Parts.
In this video I go more into why the conditions are such as they are and the intended psychological and physical social engineering effects of the living conditions, in conjuction with the mind control
This is what is being done to Jewish Israelis so that they don't even begin to think about why Israelis society is such as it is.
This is what is being done to Israelis to diminish their IQ, their sense of self, their sense of what they can hope for and accomplish.
Of course, this comes on top of the ongoing fictive wars, the cell phone antennas, the cell phones, the vaccinations, the chemicals in the food and the water, the brainwashing in school and in the media, the installing of foreign agents in the Rabbinut so that they teach paganism instead of Judaism...
Is it any wonder the Israeli people are not protesting the atrocities being perpetrated by the Vatican and European monarchy loyal gentiles that are controlling Jerusalem and acting like perverse animals using Jewish names so that we will be blamed for their deparavity?
Please also see this accompanying video:
Slideshow of Living Conditions in the OFER Experimental Section of Zefat, Israel
This slideshow will bring home to every sensitive person the intensity of the
living conditions being brought to bear upon the poor in Israel to make them feel small, weak, incapable of changing their own lives not to even speak of
changing society for the better.
Doreen EllenBell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Thus, the policies being carried out by agents planted in the Israeli government against the Palestinians, over 50% of whom are genetically Jewish, are *British* policies.
If you'll see my videos on my You Tube channel, SilverRedIndigo; you will also see that Israel is profoundly under the sway of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
Most Israelis are 2nd or 3rd Generation Experimentation Subjects
When I first moved into this building in the OFER neighborhood of Tzfat, Israel; a resident, who had just been released from prison, came over to me and said: "You're new here. Too bad you came here. You'll find that ever year you spend in this neighborhood will be like 10 tens in prison."
I'll never forget those words.
This video, which shows footage of the living conditions in the OFER neighborhood of Tzfat, is an accompanying video to: ZEFAT, Israel: A Short Tour of the Poor Parts.
In this video I go more into why the conditions are such as they are and the intended psychological and physical social engineering effects of the living conditions, in conjuction with the mind control
This is what is being done to Jewish Israelis so that they don't even begin to think about why Israelis society is such as it is.
This is what is being done to Israelis to diminish their IQ, their sense of self, their sense of what they can hope for and accomplish.
Of course, this comes on top of the ongoing fictive wars, the cell phone antennas, the cell phones, the vaccinations, the chemicals in the food and the water, the brainwashing in school and in the media, the installing of foreign agents in the Rabbinut so that they teach paganism instead of Judaism...
Is it any wonder the Israeli people are not protesting the atrocities being perpetrated by the Vatican and European monarchy loyal gentiles that are controlling Jerusalem and acting like perverse animals using Jewish names so that we will be blamed for their deparavity?
Please also see this accompanying video:
Slideshow of Living Conditions in the OFER Experimental Section of Zefat, Israel
This slideshow will bring home to every sensitive person the intensity of the
living conditions being brought to bear upon the poor in Israel to make them feel small, weak, incapable of changing their own lives not to even speak of
changing society for the better.
Doreen EllenBell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Zefat, Israel as You Will Never See it in a Tourist Brochure
Yes, what you are about to see is housing for Jews.
No, it is not at all uncommon in Israel.
Most towns, except the very richest closed communities, have neighborhoods that look like this.
Many of the residents in these neighborhoods are among the survivors of the 110,000 Sephardi Jewish immigrants' children who were used in radiation experiments that the Nazis posing as Jews in the Israeli government did for the Nazis who were absorbed into the CIA and their children.
You need to know this. You owe it to yourself to see it.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Yes, what you are about to see is housing for Jews.
No, it is not at all uncommon in Israel.
Most towns, except the very richest closed communities, have neighborhoods that look like this.
Many of the residents in these neighborhoods are among the survivors of the 110,000 Sephardi Jewish immigrants' children who were used in radiation experiments that the Nazis posing as Jews in the Israeli government did for the Nazis who were absorbed into the CIA and their children.
You need to know this. You owe it to yourself to see it.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
666: The Ancient Battle Between
The True Kabbalists and the Occultists
in Tzfat, Israel
I made this a video response to my video: Some Secrets of the Number 666, which I recommend watching after you seee this in order to get an idea of the difference between the interpretation of the occultists and that of the true Mekubbalim (Masters of the Kabbalah).
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
The True Kabbalists and the Occultists
in Tzfat, Israel
I made this a video response to my video: Some Secrets of the Number 666, which I recommend watching after you seee this in order to get an idea of the difference between the interpretation of the occultists and that of the true Mekubbalim (Masters of the Kabbalah).
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
משרד המשפטים האמריקני: הסי איי אי העניק מקלט בארה"ב לפושעי מלחמה נאצים
תקראו טוב טוב טוב ותבינו את ההשלכות על מדינת ישראל
במשך שנים רבות אני מנסה להזהיר את הציבור בארץ כי המדינה שורצת החלאות האלה
נאצים גנבו את הזיהויים של יהודים שהם רצחו ונכנסו לארץ תחת הזהויים אלה
הותיקן שתל אותם בכל המערכת החיוניות
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה ילדים הספרדים הוקרנו וילדי הילדים האלה עדין בשולי החברה
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה ילדים תימניים נעלמו
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה העו"סים לוקחים ילדים מהורים טובים ומשארים אותם עם הורים באמת מסוכנים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה אזרחי המדינה נדפקת כל פעם מחדש ע"י הפוליטיקאים והם אף פעם לא עונים לזעקותינו לעזרה
עכשיו אתם מבינים את כל השגעונות שהיו בלתי מובנות
עכשיו אתם מבינים את הלחץ על נשים להפיל ילדים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה קופות החולים לוחצות על נשים הרות, ילדים קטנים ואף תינוקות וזקנים להתחסן למרות העובדה כי רק 11% אנשי הבריאות מתחסנים והרבה רופאים הסבירו למה החיסונים מסוכנים אימים
ראו אתר של חסון - עמותה למתן מידע על חיסונים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה אין חוקים השומרים עלינו מהתקנת האנטנות בכל עבר למרות כי מחקר רב הוכיח כי האנטנות גורמות לסרטן ומחלות אחרות
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה כל כך הרבה ילדים יהודים יוצאים את מערכת החינוך בורים מוחלטים ואלימים ואילו בכל התפוצות במשך כל הדורות היינו תלמידים מבריקים ואף גאוניים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה צה"ל "ניסה" את אנת'רקס על חיילים לא מזמן על אף כי יודעים כבר 50 שנה בדיוק מה אנת'רקס עושה לגוף האדם כי ה-סי איי אי עשו את הניסויים האלה בארה"ב
בתקופת המלחמה הקרה
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה גנבים רעבים ללחם מקבלים זמן בכלא ופדופילים מסתובבים חופשי
כל אלה ועוד זוועות קורות כי
יש נאצים שתולים בבית משפט העליון
הם בכנסת
הם במוסד
הם בשב"כ
הם בצה"ל
הם במערכת הבריאות
הם בכל השירותים לבריאות הנפש והחברתיים
הם בעולם בעסקים והם שולטים על בנק ישראל ושוק ההון
הם במערכת החינוך
הם בעיתונות הארצית
הם שורצים ב*כל* מערכת חיונית
הם אפילו ברבנות ובישיבות, רחמנא ליצלן
והם שונאים אותנו לא פחות מאשר ב-1945
אלה הטכנולוגיה שלהם *הרבה* יותר משוכלל עתה מאז
התעוררו והפסיק לחבוט את הראש אל קירות בנין הכנסת!
הדרך היחידה להתמודד עם הבעיה היא החרמות אסטרטגיות של מוצרי החברות הענקיות הכי פגיעות - אלה שמיצרים מותרות
אנחנו חייבים להחליש להם כלכלית
נקודת החולשה שלהם היא: הם ניפחו את השוק ע"י מותרות
יש לצמצם את קניית ושימוש במותרות עד המינימום האפשרי
אני רואה אנשים מתלוננים, ובצדק, על האנטנות והנייד שלהם לא מפסיק לפעול
אם אנחנו לא שולטים על עצמנו יש אחרים שיעשו כן בשיא ההתלהבות ובדרכים הרבה פחות נעימות מאשר לוותר על איז לוקסוס
דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת
תקראו טוב טוב טוב ותבינו את ההשלכות על מדינת ישראל
במשך שנים רבות אני מנסה להזהיר את הציבור בארץ כי המדינה שורצת החלאות האלה
נאצים גנבו את הזיהויים של יהודים שהם רצחו ונכנסו לארץ תחת הזהויים אלה
הותיקן שתל אותם בכל המערכת החיוניות
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה ילדים הספרדים הוקרנו וילדי הילדים האלה עדין בשולי החברה
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה ילדים תימניים נעלמו
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה העו"סים לוקחים ילדים מהורים טובים ומשארים אותם עם הורים באמת מסוכנים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה אזרחי המדינה נדפקת כל פעם מחדש ע"י הפוליטיקאים והם אף פעם לא עונים לזעקותינו לעזרה
עכשיו אתם מבינים את כל השגעונות שהיו בלתי מובנות
עכשיו אתם מבינים את הלחץ על נשים להפיל ילדים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה קופות החולים לוחצות על נשים הרות, ילדים קטנים ואף תינוקות וזקנים להתחסן למרות העובדה כי רק 11% אנשי הבריאות מתחסנים והרבה רופאים הסבירו למה החיסונים מסוכנים אימים
ראו אתר של חסון - עמותה למתן מידע על חיסונים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה אין חוקים השומרים עלינו מהתקנת האנטנות בכל עבר למרות כי מחקר רב הוכיח כי האנטנות גורמות לסרטן ומחלות אחרות
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה כל כך הרבה ילדים יהודים יוצאים את מערכת החינוך בורים מוחלטים ואלימים ואילו בכל התפוצות במשך כל הדורות היינו תלמידים מבריקים ואף גאוניים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה צה"ל "ניסה" את אנת'רקס על חיילים לא מזמן על אף כי יודעים כבר 50 שנה בדיוק מה אנת'רקס עושה לגוף האדם כי ה-סי איי אי עשו את הניסויים האלה בארה"ב
בתקופת המלחמה הקרה
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה גנבים רעבים ללחם מקבלים זמן בכלא ופדופילים מסתובבים חופשי
כל אלה ועוד זוועות קורות כי
יש נאצים שתולים בבית משפט העליון
הם בכנסת
הם במוסד
הם בשב"כ
הם בצה"ל
הם במערכת הבריאות
הם בכל השירותים לבריאות הנפש והחברתיים
הם בעולם בעסקים והם שולטים על בנק ישראל ושוק ההון
הם במערכת החינוך
הם בעיתונות הארצית
הם שורצים ב*כל* מערכת חיונית
הם אפילו ברבנות ובישיבות, רחמנא ליצלן
והם שונאים אותנו לא פחות מאשר ב-1945
אלה הטכנולוגיה שלהם *הרבה* יותר משוכלל עתה מאז
התעוררו והפסיק לחבוט את הראש אל קירות בנין הכנסת!
הדרך היחידה להתמודד עם הבעיה היא החרמות אסטרטגיות של מוצרי החברות הענקיות הכי פגיעות - אלה שמיצרים מותרות
אנחנו חייבים להחליש להם כלכלית
נקודת החולשה שלהם היא: הם ניפחו את השוק ע"י מותרות
יש לצמצם את קניית ושימוש במותרות עד המינימום האפשרי
אני רואה אנשים מתלוננים, ובצדק, על האנטנות והנייד שלהם לא מפסיק לפעול
אם אנחנו לא שולטים על עצמנו יש אחרים שיעשו כן בשיא ההתלהבות ובדרכים הרבה פחות נעימות מאשר לוותר על איז לוקסוס
דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת
הסי איי אי מסרב לחשוף קשריו עם נאצים לשעבר
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה ילדים הספרדים הוקרנו וילדי הילדים האלה עדין בשולי החברה
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה ילדים תימניים נעלמו
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה העו"סים לוקחים ילדים מהורים טובים ומשארים אותם עם הורים באמת מסוכנים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה אזרחי המדינה נדפקת כל פעם מחדש ע"י הפוליטיקאים והם אף פעם לא עונים לזעקותינו לעזרה
עכשיו אתם מבינים את כל השגעונות שהיו בלתי מובנות
עכשיו אתם מבינים את הלחץ על נשים להפיל ילדים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה קופות החולים לוחצות על נשים הרות, ילדים קטנים ואף תינוקות וזקנים להתחסן למרות העובדה כי רק 11% אנשי הבריאות מתחסנים והרבה רופאים הסבירו למה החיסונים מסוכנים אימים
ראו אתר של חסון - עמותה למתן מידע על חיסונים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה אין חוקים השומרים עלינו מהתקנת האנטנות בכל עבר למרות כי מחקר רב הוכיח כי האנטנות גורמות לסרטן ומחלות אחרות
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה כל כך הרבה ילדים יהודים יוצאים את מערכת החינוך בורים מוחלטים ואלימים ואילו בכל התפוצות במשך כל הדורות היינו תלמידים מבריקים ואף גאוניים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה צה"ל "ניסה" את אנת'רקס על חיילים לא מזמן על אף כי יודעים כבר 50 שנה בדיוק מה אנת'רקס עושה לגוף האדם כי ה-סי איי אי עשו את הניסויים האלה בארה"ב
בתקופת המלחמה הקרה
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה גנבים רעבים ללחם מקבלים זמן בכלא ופדופילים מסתובבים חופשי
כל אלה ועוד זוועות קורות כי
יש נאצים שתולים בבית משפט העליון
הם בכנסת
הם במוסד
הם בשב"כ
הם בצה"ל
הם במערכת הבריאות
הם בכל השירותים לבריאות הנפש והחברתיים
הם בעולם בעסקים והם שולטים על בנק ישראל ושוק ההון
הם במערכת החינוך
הם בעיתונות הארצית
הם שורצים ב*כל* מערכת חיונית
הם אפילו ברבנות ובישיבות, רחמנא ליצלן
והם שונאים אותנו לא פחות מאשר ב-1945
אלה הטכנולוגיה שלהם *הרבה* יותר משוכלל עתה מאז
התעוררו והפסיק לחבוט את הראש אל קירות בנין הכנסת!
הדרך היחידה להתמודד עם הבעיה היא החרמות אסטרטגיות של מוצרי החברות הענקיות הכי פגיעות - אלה שמיצרים מותרות
אנחנו חייבים להחליש להם כלכלית
נקודת החולשה שלהם היא: הם ניפחו את השוק ע"י מותרות
יש לצמצם את קניית ושימוש במותרות עד המינימום האפשרי
אני רואה אנשים מתלוננים, ובצדק, על האנטנות והנייד שלהם לא מפסיק לפעול
אם אנחנו לא שולטים על עצמנו יש אחרים שיעשו כן בשיא ההתלהבות ובדרכים הרבה פחות נעימות מאשר לוותר על איז לוקסוס
דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה ילדים הספרדים הוקרנו וילדי הילדים האלה עדין בשולי החברה
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה ילדים תימניים נעלמו
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה העו"סים לוקחים ילדים מהורים טובים ומשארים אותם עם הורים באמת מסוכנים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה אזרחי המדינה נדפקת כל פעם מחדש ע"י הפוליטיקאים והם אף פעם לא עונים לזעקותינו לעזרה
עכשיו אתם מבינים את כל השגעונות שהיו בלתי מובנות
עכשיו אתם מבינים את הלחץ על נשים להפיל ילדים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה קופות החולים לוחצות על נשים הרות, ילדים קטנים ואף תינוקות וזקנים להתחסן למרות העובדה כי רק 11% אנשי הבריאות מתחסנים והרבה רופאים הסבירו למה החיסונים מסוכנים אימים
ראו אתר של חסון - עמותה למתן מידע על חיסונים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה אין חוקים השומרים עלינו מהתקנת האנטנות בכל עבר למרות כי מחקר רב הוכיח כי האנטנות גורמות לסרטן ומחלות אחרות
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה כל כך הרבה ילדים יהודים יוצאים את מערכת החינוך בורים מוחלטים ואלימים ואילו בכל התפוצות במשך כל הדורות היינו תלמידים מבריקים ואף גאוניים
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה צה"ל "ניסה" את אנת'רקס על חיילים לא מזמן על אף כי יודעים כבר 50 שנה בדיוק מה אנת'רקס עושה לגוף האדם כי ה-סי איי אי עשו את הניסויים האלה בארה"ב
בתקופת המלחמה הקרה
עכשיו אתם מבינים למה גנבים רעבים ללחם מקבלים זמן בכלא ופדופילים מסתובבים חופשי
כל אלה ועוד זוועות קורות כי
יש נאצים שתולים בבית משפט העליון
הם בכנסת
הם במוסד
הם בשב"כ
הם בצה"ל
הם במערכת הבריאות
הם בכל השירותים לבריאות הנפש והחברתיים
הם בעולם בעסקים והם שולטים על בנק ישראל ושוק ההון
הם במערכת החינוך
הם בעיתונות הארצית
הם שורצים ב*כל* מערכת חיונית
הם אפילו ברבנות ובישיבות, רחמנא ליצלן
והם שונאים אותנו לא פחות מאשר ב-1945
אלה הטכנולוגיה שלהם *הרבה* יותר משוכלל עתה מאז
התעוררו והפסיק לחבוט את הראש אל קירות בנין הכנסת!
הדרך היחידה להתמודד עם הבעיה היא החרמות אסטרטגיות של מוצרי החברות הענקיות הכי פגיעות - אלה שמיצרים מותרות
אנחנו חייבים להחליש להם כלכלית
נקודת החולשה שלהם היא: הם ניפחו את השוק ע"י מותרות
יש לצמצם את קניית ושימוש במותרות עד המינימום האפשרי
אני רואה אנשים מתלוננים, ובצדק, על האנטנות והנייד שלהם לא מפסיק לפעול
אם אנחנו לא שולטים על עצמנו יש אחרים שיעשו כן בשיא ההתלהבות ובדרכים הרבה פחות נעימות מאשר לוותר על איז לוקסוס
דורין אלן בל-דותן, צפת
Friday, November 05, 2010
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Is Dr. Mohammed Wattad, Esq.
a Mind Controlled Disney Production?
Please see: Rotarian Dr. (Post-Doctor) Mohammed Saif-Alden Wattad
There you will find two segments of my video: "The Zionist Judicial System" in which I summarized my impressions of the seminar "Democracy and the Judicial System" that was hosted by the law department of the Zefat Academic College and MC'ed by Dr. Wattad.
The photos on his blog are most troubling.
At the Democracy and the Judicial System seminar, I remember being struck by Mohammed Wattad as seeming like a very troubled young man, albeit very intelligent.
I remember him trying to impose his will and opinions on the seminar, even as he seemed personally weak, embarrassingly so.
He seemed to be trying so hard to please, to fit in, to say the things that would ingratiate him with the judicial elite - presenting himself as their protector, even as he hardly seemed strong enough to protect himself.
I remember his body movements as being jerky and robotic. And I remembered that when he walked, he seemed to be guarding his back side.
I found him repulsive and pitiful at once. I also knew he was being groomed for a meteoric career and the Israeli judiciary.
When I saw the photos on his blog, I recognized the color schemes and symbolism as being that employed by Disney programming.
As much of a human rights issue the trauma-induced programming of pop stars is, it is less worrying than the realization that lawyers and judges might be Disney characters too.
He bears many of the same watch signs as known Disney mind controlled assets who have been loosed on the public to influence them.
Like them, Mohammed Wattad is a performer. True, his performances are a good deal more stayed and dignified than that of Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears; yet he is a performer nonetheless.
His blog lists the following credits, inter alia:
The Second "Best Oralist" Award
The Best Oralist for Legal Arguments
(I hope the "oralist" can be chalked up to simple lack of English skills :0)
For Human Cloning
Note: There is a preponderance of black and white, with touches of red in his wardrobe.
Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears other mind controlled, particularly Disney-method mind controlled assets, who are sent out to the public to serve as role models, also wear a predominance of black, white and red. They are mind controlled mind controllers.
(There is a great deal of information on EsotericKitten's You Tube channel about mind control and the programming involved. I would urge the reader not familiar with this subject to watch the videos on that channel for background and examples.)
Note that Wattad is wearing a red ascot in a couple of the photos. We don't see ascots much nowadays. As soon as I saw it, I remembered Walt Disney.
See entry: Walt Disney in Wikipedia
Walt Disney wearing an ascot
Search: Ascot + Walt Disney
The featured home in Sunset Lakes, a gated neighborhood less than 5 miles from Walt Disney World is Ascot Bay.
The community advertised as Orlando's most prestigious vacation rental community, Windsor Hills, is located only 5 minutes from Disney World.
The Windsor Hills community
Royal Ascot - 5 Bedroom Villa that sleeps up to 12 guests
Ascot House - 3 Bedroom Townhouse that sleeps up to 8 guests
Ascot rhymes with mascot. A search of Disney + mascot will turn up many search results and you will see the repeating black, white, red and yellow color scheme in the mascots.
Note: Wattad seems to prefer yellow ties.
"The Yellow Brick Road suggests gold, the perfect metal. Gold is considered to be divine & the source of wisdom by the Illuminati. HPB had written “There is a Road, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a Road, and it leads to the very heart of the universe.” This was the yellow brick road that Baum the Theosophist sought to portray in his fairy tale. The book contains a great deal more perils and adventures on the road than the movie."
We see the color scheme black, white, red and yellow in Disney cartoons and programs quite consistently:
The photo of him shaking the hand of the Queen of Sweden reminded me of Lady Gaga meeting Betty Windsor.
Do you see he wears bowties a good deal of the time? That too is odd nowadays. Search: Mickey Mouse + bowtie and you'll see that Mickey Mouse wears bowties a lot too. Is he programmed to be a little Mickey Mouse? Mohammed Mouse?
There are too many color schemes and symbols on his blog that point in the direction of Mohammed Wattad being a Disney-method, mind controlled asset who, being young, attractive and articulate, is sent out as one of their star performers for the possibility not to be considered.
As I stated, it is a terrible human rights violation and scourge on society that our pop stars are mind controlled assets who are turned loose on society to mind control masses of people in turn.
It is far more dangerous if lawyers and judges are meeska mooska Mouseketeers.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
a Mind Controlled Disney Production?
Please see: Rotarian Dr. (Post-Doctor) Mohammed Saif-Alden Wattad
There you will find two segments of my video: "The Zionist Judicial System" in which I summarized my impressions of the seminar "Democracy and the Judicial System" that was hosted by the law department of the Zefat Academic College and MC'ed by Dr. Wattad.
The photos on his blog are most troubling.
At the Democracy and the Judicial System seminar, I remember being struck by Mohammed Wattad as seeming like a very troubled young man, albeit very intelligent.
I remember him trying to impose his will and opinions on the seminar, even as he seemed personally weak, embarrassingly so.
He seemed to be trying so hard to please, to fit in, to say the things that would ingratiate him with the judicial elite - presenting himself as their protector, even as he hardly seemed strong enough to protect himself.
I remember his body movements as being jerky and robotic. And I remembered that when he walked, he seemed to be guarding his back side.
I found him repulsive and pitiful at once. I also knew he was being groomed for a meteoric career and the Israeli judiciary.
When I saw the photos on his blog, I recognized the color schemes and symbolism as being that employed by Disney programming.
As much of a human rights issue the trauma-induced programming of pop stars is, it is less worrying than the realization that lawyers and judges might be Disney characters too.
He bears many of the same watch signs as known Disney mind controlled assets who have been loosed on the public to influence them.
Like them, Mohammed Wattad is a performer. True, his performances are a good deal more stayed and dignified than that of Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears; yet he is a performer nonetheless.
His blog lists the following credits, inter alia:
The Second "Best Oralist" Award
The Best Oralist for Legal Arguments
(I hope the "oralist" can be chalked up to simple lack of English skills :0)
For Human Cloning
Note: There is a preponderance of black and white, with touches of red in his wardrobe.
Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears other mind controlled, particularly Disney-method mind controlled assets, who are sent out to the public to serve as role models, also wear a predominance of black, white and red. They are mind controlled mind controllers.
(There is a great deal of information on EsotericKitten's You Tube channel about mind control and the programming involved. I would urge the reader not familiar with this subject to watch the videos on that channel for background and examples.)
Note that Wattad is wearing a red ascot in a couple of the photos. We don't see ascots much nowadays. As soon as I saw it, I remembered Walt Disney.
See entry: Walt Disney in Wikipedia
Walt Disney wearing an ascot
Search: Ascot + Walt Disney
The featured home in Sunset Lakes, a gated neighborhood less than 5 miles from Walt Disney World is Ascot Bay.
The community advertised as Orlando's most prestigious vacation rental community, Windsor Hills, is located only 5 minutes from Disney World.
The Windsor Hills community
Royal Ascot - 5 Bedroom Villa that sleeps up to 12 guests
Ascot House - 3 Bedroom Townhouse that sleeps up to 8 guests
Ascot rhymes with mascot. A search of Disney + mascot will turn up many search results and you will see the repeating black, white, red and yellow color scheme in the mascots.
Note: Wattad seems to prefer yellow ties.
"The Yellow Brick Road suggests gold, the perfect metal. Gold is considered to be divine & the source of wisdom by the Illuminati. HPB had written “There is a Road, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a Road, and it leads to the very heart of the universe.” This was the yellow brick road that Baum the Theosophist sought to portray in his fairy tale. The book contains a great deal more perils and adventures on the road than the movie."
We see the color scheme black, white, red and yellow in Disney cartoons and programs quite consistently:
The photo of him shaking the hand of the Queen of Sweden reminded me of Lady Gaga meeting Betty Windsor.
Do you see he wears bowties a good deal of the time? That too is odd nowadays. Search: Mickey Mouse + bowtie and you'll see that Mickey Mouse wears bowties a lot too. Is he programmed to be a little Mickey Mouse? Mohammed Mouse?
There are too many color schemes and symbols on his blog that point in the direction of Mohammed Wattad being a Disney-method, mind controlled asset who, being young, attractive and articulate, is sent out as one of their star performers for the possibility not to be considered.
As I stated, it is a terrible human rights violation and scourge on society that our pop stars are mind controlled assets who are turned loose on society to mind control masses of people in turn.
It is far more dangerous if lawyers and judges are meeska mooska Mouseketeers.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Israel's Message to Residents of Safed: Do Us a Favor and Drop Dead
The message is eminently clear.
You don't deserve to be saved in case of attack.
You don't deserve to be saved in case of medical emergency.
You don't deserve to be saved in case of fire.
You don't even deserve the police to bother with you.
Just do us a favor and drop dead.
The message is eminently clear.
You don't deserve to be saved in case of attack.
You don't deserve to be saved in case of medical emergency.
You don't deserve to be saved in case of fire.
You don't even deserve the police to bother with you.
Just do us a favor and drop dead.
Friday, October 29, 2010
If you believe that money has real power then you must necessarily accept that some people are a million, a billion, a trillion times greater than others.If you realize that money is an illusion, you understand that some people are a million, a billion, a trillion times more mired in illusion than others.The first thought arouses fear and awe, the second pity.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The terrible truth must be known.
Many "Zionists" are not Jews at all, but, rather, Nazis who came into this country under
the assumed identity of the Jews they killed in Europe.
They are deeply entrenched in all of our systems.
Their hatred of the Jews never abated.
Yes, there is experimentation of the Jews in this country at the hands of these monsters.
The multi-national corporations, which essentially constitute Corporate States, and the State of Israel, inter alia, is vassal to, are most interested in human experimentation - the better to know how to control us and improve our productivity and increase our obedience.
The research is gleefully carried out by the Nazis who are embedded in our government, the military, the medical professions, R&D and so on.
The much-maligned Ofer Neighborhood of Tzfat is a research point (victims are always maligned to obviate any sympathy or empathy when they are abused). Situated
right next to the Rivka Ziv Hospital, the gentle, largely uneducated folk of the Ofer Neighborhood, are easy targets for experimentation.
Now that Tzfat has received an OK to build a medical school, a veritable gulag is being made of the Ofer Neighborhood of Tzfat.
This video explains the situation in brief:
Please watch my other videos for more explanation.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Israel
The terrible truth must be known.
Many "Zionists" are not Jews at all, but, rather, Nazis who came into this country under
the assumed identity of the Jews they killed in Europe.
They are deeply entrenched in all of our systems.
Their hatred of the Jews never abated.
Yes, there is experimentation of the Jews in this country at the hands of these monsters.
The multi-national corporations, which essentially constitute Corporate States, and the State of Israel, inter alia, is vassal to, are most interested in human experimentation - the better to know how to control us and improve our productivity and increase our obedience.
The research is gleefully carried out by the Nazis who are embedded in our government, the military, the medical professions, R&D and so on.
The much-maligned Ofer Neighborhood of Tzfat is a research point (victims are always maligned to obviate any sympathy or empathy when they are abused). Situated
right next to the Rivka Ziv Hospital, the gentle, largely uneducated folk of the Ofer Neighborhood, are easy targets for experimentation.
Now that Tzfat has received an OK to build a medical school, a veritable gulag is being made of the Ofer Neighborhood of Tzfat.
This video explains the situation in brief:
Please watch my other videos for more explanation.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Israel
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Friday, October 08, 2010
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Tzfat (Safed), Israel
October 5 10
At 11:00 am the industrial area in Tzfat is rippin' and roarin' - as usual.
This is supposed to be the economic hearbeat of Tzfat.
Looks more like cardiac arrest.
This is not an issue of economic slowdown.
It's an issue of something going on in this town that the residents are not aware of. I suspect that human experimentation is going on here and my videos show why I suspect that.
Tzfat (Safed), Israel
October 5 10
At 11:00 am the industrial area in Tzfat is rippin' and roarin' - as usual.
This is supposed to be the economic hearbeat of Tzfat.
Looks more like cardiac arrest.
This is not an issue of economic slowdown.
It's an issue of something going on in this town that the residents are not aware of. I suspect that human experimentation is going on here and my videos show why I suspect that.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The PYLON (Electrical Tower) That Doesn't Seem to be Hooked Up to Anything
The INDUSTRIAL AREA That Hardly Produces Anything
The Sounds of LRAD
Everyday Phenomena in Weird TZFAT (SAFED), ISRAEL
PYLON (Electric Tower) Near Our Bldg in Tzfat (Safed), Israel
Industrial Area in Tzfat (Safed), Israel Some Business & LRAD 27 09 10
Industrial Area, Tzfat (Safed), Israel 26 09 10 - Still Nothin' Doin'
The INDUSTRIAL AREA That Hardly Produces Anything
The Sounds of LRAD
Everyday Phenomena in Weird TZFAT (SAFED), ISRAEL
PYLON (Electric Tower) Near Our Bldg in Tzfat (Safed), Israel
Industrial Area in Tzfat (Safed), Israel Some Business & LRAD 27 09 10
Industrial Area, Tzfat (Safed), Israel 26 09 10 - Still Nothin' Doin'
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Were the SUICIDES in the Ofer Neighborhood
Tzfat (Safed), Israel the Result of Experiments?
This is a culmination video. In order to understand the question I raise in the title of this video, it is necessary to see my recent videos concerning LRAD, the SATELLITE, the almost empty INDUSTRIAL AREA and the ELECTICAL INSTALLATIONS around Tzfat. That that context, this possibility I posit here will not seem so strange.
Seven or eight people leapt from the roof of my building. It hasn't happened in about 10 years. None of them seemed to have a reason to commit suicide. One of them was a visitor - a beautiful, seemingly happy, young woman who worked for the Mayor of Buenos Aires. She was visiting a cousin, a good friend of mine, who has subsequently moved out of the bldg. She said she wanted to make a phone call, insisting on using a public phone despite her cousin's, my neighbor and friend's, repeated offer to use her home phone. When she didn't return for an inordinately long time, my neighbor called the police. They found her body on the pavement.
You can see that there is a rather high wall around the roof. No one could fall off. One would very intentionally have to climb up and then jump, which is a concerted physical effort.
Do you see the strange colors in the sky at 9:15 and forward into the video?
See my video about the interference patterns through my screens.
This was *not* shot through a screen. I was on my roof.
To the best of my knowledge; I am the only person in Tzfat who doubts that so many people jumped from one and the same roof is because of the curse of Avraham Ofer, who was the Minister of Housing who oversaw this housing project and committed suicide:
or were the result of the misery of poverty.
To keep the questions hidden, the people in this neighborhood, the Ofer Neigborhood of Tzfat (Safed), are often maligned and painted in the local press in a much worse light than is true. That way no one asks questions about the suicides.
It also scares me that if people think this is the result of the misery of poverty, why no one tries to help.
Tzfat (Safed), Israel the Result of Experiments?
This is a culmination video. In order to understand the question I raise in the title of this video, it is necessary to see my recent videos concerning LRAD, the SATELLITE, the almost empty INDUSTRIAL AREA and the ELECTICAL INSTALLATIONS around Tzfat. That that context, this possibility I posit here will not seem so strange.
Seven or eight people leapt from the roof of my building. It hasn't happened in about 10 years. None of them seemed to have a reason to commit suicide. One of them was a visitor - a beautiful, seemingly happy, young woman who worked for the Mayor of Buenos Aires. She was visiting a cousin, a good friend of mine, who has subsequently moved out of the bldg. She said she wanted to make a phone call, insisting on using a public phone despite her cousin's, my neighbor and friend's, repeated offer to use her home phone. When she didn't return for an inordinately long time, my neighbor called the police. They found her body on the pavement.
You can see that there is a rather high wall around the roof. No one could fall off. One would very intentionally have to climb up and then jump, which is a concerted physical effort.
Do you see the strange colors in the sky at 9:15 and forward into the video?
See my video about the interference patterns through my screens.
This was *not* shot through a screen. I was on my roof.
To the best of my knowledge; I am the only person in Tzfat who doubts that so many people jumped from one and the same roof is because of the curse of Avraham Ofer, who was the Minister of Housing who oversaw this housing project and committed suicide:
or were the result of the misery of poverty.
To keep the questions hidden, the people in this neighborhood, the Ofer Neigborhood of Tzfat (Safed), are often maligned and painted in the local press in a much worse light than is true. That way no one asks questions about the suicides.
It also scares me that if people think this is the result of the misery of poverty, why no one tries to help.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
About an hour and a half ago, that is at 10:15 am on Sept 13, 10' I noticed a van on the side of the road behind my building.
It was not signaling for help.
I see no one outside the van.
As you can see in the photos of the van in the collages, a number of vehicles went by. It made no signal to get them to help.
I took these photos, including the one where you see it in relation to the shack out back.
I uploaded the photos and made the second collage.
When I went back, the van was still there.
As you can see, in the second collage, not only was the van there when I went back to take photos, not only did it let any number of vehicles go by without gesturing for help; ***a cop car went by, didn't stop and the van made no signal for help*.
This is like something out of a spy movie.

About an hour and a half ago, that is at 10:15 am on Sept 13, 10' I noticed a van on the side of the road behind my building.
It was not signaling for help.
I see no one outside the van.
As you can see in the photos of the van in the collages, a number of vehicles went by. It made no signal to get them to help.
I took these photos, including the one where you see it in relation to the shack out back.
I uploaded the photos and made the second collage.
When I went back, the van was still there.
As you can see, in the second collage, not only was the van there when I went back to take photos, not only did it let any number of vehicles go by without gesturing for help; ***a cop car went by, didn't stop and the van made no signal for help*.
This is like something out of a spy movie.

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
LRAD on ROSH HaSHANAH 10 SEPT 2010 in Safed, Israel
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Friday, September 10, 2010
I think the Universe was designed by Lady Gaga.
I do.
The costuming and set design are unmistakably the same Designer.
The very same trademark cacophany of elements and period pieces that shouldn't work together, but somehow do when you pull it all together just right is clearly evident, as are the same cheeky, geared-toward-the-young, meticulously-studied Devil-may-care, phony nonchalance and all-too-obviously in-your-face everything-clearly-being-done-for-the-sheer-shock-value-of-it-all.
- Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan
The Universe reminds me so much of myself as a child: puckish, irreverent, unpredictable, unmanageable, darkly brooding, indefatigable, incorrigible - you know, disturbed.
- Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan
I do.
The costuming and set design are unmistakably the same Designer.
The very same trademark cacophany of elements and period pieces that shouldn't work together, but somehow do when you pull it all together just right is clearly evident, as are the same cheeky, geared-toward-the-young, meticulously-studied Devil-may-care, phony nonchalance and all-too-obviously in-your-face everything-clearly-being-done-for-the-sheer-shock-value-of-it-all.
- Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan
The Universe reminds me so much of myself as a child: puckish, irreverent, unpredictable, unmanageable, darkly brooding, indefatigable, incorrigible - you know, disturbed.
- Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
"What used to be called "natural law" is nothing but a certain relation among phenomena which we dimly see, and each "law" takes a temporary character of causality; that is to say: If such a phenomenon is produced under such conditions, such another phenomenon will follow. No law placed outside the phenomena: each phenomenon governs that which follows it-not law.
Nothing preconceived in what we call harmony in Nature. The chance of collisions and encounters has sufficed to establish it. Such a phenomenon will last for centuries because the adaptation, the equilibrium it represents has taken centuries to be established; while such another will last but an instant if that form of momentary equilibrium was born in an instant. If the planets of our solar system do not collide with one another and do not destroy one another every day, if they last millions of years, it is because they represent an equilibrium that has taken millions of centuries to establish as a resultant of millions of blind forces. If continents are not continually destroyed by volcanic shocks, it is because they have taken thousands and thousands of centuries to build up, molecule by molecule, and to take their present shape. But lightning will only last an instant; because it represents a momentary rupture of the equilibrium, a sudden redistribution of force.
Harmony thus appears as a temporary adjustment, established among all forces acting upon a given spot-a provisory adaptation; and that adjustment will only last under one condition: that of being continually modified; of representing every moment the resultant of all conflicting actions. Let but one of those forces be hampered in its action for some time and harmony disappears. Force will accumulate its effect; it must come to light, it must exercise its action, and if other forces hinder its manifestation it will not be annihilated by that, but will end by upsetting the present adjustment, by destroying harmony, in order to find a new form of equilibrium and to work to form a new adaptation."
"ANARCHISM: IT'S PHILOSOPHY AND IDEAL" (San Francisco: Free Society, 1898) by Peter Kropotkin
"I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."
WALDEN by Henry David Thoreau (1854)
"What used to be called "natural law" is nothing but a certain relation among phenomena which we dimly see, and each "law" takes a temporary character of causality; that is to say: If such a phenomenon is produced under such conditions, such another phenomenon will follow. No law placed outside the phenomena: each phenomenon governs that which follows it-not law.
Nothing preconceived in what we call harmony in Nature. The chance of collisions and encounters has sufficed to establish it. Such a phenomenon will last for centuries because the adaptation, the equilibrium it represents has taken centuries to be established; while such another will last but an instant if that form of momentary equilibrium was born in an instant. If the planets of our solar system do not collide with one another and do not destroy one another every day, if they last millions of years, it is because they represent an equilibrium that has taken millions of centuries to establish as a resultant of millions of blind forces. If continents are not continually destroyed by volcanic shocks, it is because they have taken thousands and thousands of centuries to build up, molecule by molecule, and to take their present shape. But lightning will only last an instant; because it represents a momentary rupture of the equilibrium, a sudden redistribution of force.
Harmony thus appears as a temporary adjustment, established among all forces acting upon a given spot-a provisory adaptation; and that adjustment will only last under one condition: that of being continually modified; of representing every moment the resultant of all conflicting actions. Let but one of those forces be hampered in its action for some time and harmony disappears. Force will accumulate its effect; it must come to light, it must exercise its action, and if other forces hinder its manifestation it will not be annihilated by that, but will end by upsetting the present adjustment, by destroying harmony, in order to find a new form of equilibrium and to work to form a new adaptation."
"ANARCHISM: IT'S PHILOSOPHY AND IDEAL" (San Francisco: Free Society, 1898) by Peter Kropotkin
"I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."
WALDEN by Henry David Thoreau (1854)
Sunday, September 05, 2010
First, I have it on the word of a dear, long-time friend, who happens to be an Astrophysicist and Particle Physicist of world-renown that what I am describing is most likely a sonic weapon. He has also written that microwaves may be being used too, but that is much harder to determine, requiring special equipment. I cannot record microwaves as I can the sounds, as I have done. My working assumption, until I have proof is that microwave weapons are not being deployed against me.
I want to make the magnitude of what I have been dealing with clear.
This was, up until the case of Holly Greig, the largest pedo ring ever busted:
King Albert II of Belgium was implicated in that case, as the article states.
Holly's case is bigger, MUCH BIGGER.
The focus is a child with Down's Syndrome who was used as one of eight known children for the pedophilic sadism of the elite, her uncle who found her being raped by her rich, well-connected father and died a horrific death shortly afterward, Holly's Mother who was thrown into an insane asylum for telling Holly's story and Robert Green, who is desperately trying to get the truth out and being blocked at every turn.
Every spoiler and every infiltration of the group investigating Holly Greig's case that you can imagine and can't can be expected.
ALL PEDOPHILES all over the world will be inducted and enlisted in this war.
Every pedophile in the WORLD is directly or indirectly tied to the ring that abused Holly and seven other known children. Holly is now in her early 30s. Until she told her Mother, Ann, only a couple of years ago; she was abused continuously from age 8 (at least) by her rich, connected father and his fancy friends. That is the umbrella that protects them all and they are all expected to give their utmost loyalty to the protection of that umbrella.
I am one of the people who know that. I am one of the people who know the corruption of Social Services from the inside, the sour fruit of 10 years of direct contact with them.
I'll tell you all why I believe the sounds I'm hearing are sonic weapons and not alarms.
It's not because the sounds are weird that I think they are weapons. They make me, and others, feel unnaturally fatigued.
Social Services takes children from vulnerable families and feeds them into the various child trafficking businesses: child prostitution, child pornography, experimentation on children.
I am one of the people who, if my case ever got a fair hearing, could pull down Social Services in Israel and they are terrified of a domino effect.
They have the best of reasons to want me neutralized.
In the last few months, three people investigating Social Services corruption in the United States have died. I was in close contact with one of them and more casual contact with another.
This is about HOLLY GREIG not me.
There is more that I am not at liberty to discuss on private fora. The information has been passed on to activists all over the world.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Doreen Dotan@gmail.com
First, I have it on the word of a dear, long-time friend, who happens to be an Astrophysicist and Particle Physicist of world-renown that what I am describing is most likely a sonic weapon. He has also written that microwaves may be being used too, but that is much harder to determine, requiring special equipment. I cannot record microwaves as I can the sounds, as I have done. My working assumption, until I have proof is that microwave weapons are not being deployed against me.
I want to make the magnitude of what I have been dealing with clear.
This was, up until the case of Holly Greig, the largest pedo ring ever busted:
King Albert II of Belgium was implicated in that case, as the article states.
Holly's case is bigger, MUCH BIGGER.
The focus is a child with Down's Syndrome who was used as one of eight known children for the pedophilic sadism of the elite, her uncle who found her being raped by her rich, well-connected father and died a horrific death shortly afterward, Holly's Mother who was thrown into an insane asylum for telling Holly's story and Robert Green, who is desperately trying to get the truth out and being blocked at every turn.
Every spoiler and every infiltration of the group investigating Holly Greig's case that you can imagine and can't can be expected.
ALL PEDOPHILES all over the world will be inducted and enlisted in this war.
Every pedophile in the WORLD is directly or indirectly tied to the ring that abused Holly and seven other known children. Holly is now in her early 30s. Until she told her Mother, Ann, only a couple of years ago; she was abused continuously from age 8 (at least) by her rich, connected father and his fancy friends. That is the umbrella that protects them all and they are all expected to give their utmost loyalty to the protection of that umbrella.
I am one of the people who know that. I am one of the people who know the corruption of Social Services from the inside, the sour fruit of 10 years of direct contact with them.
I'll tell you all why I believe the sounds I'm hearing are sonic weapons and not alarms.
It's not because the sounds are weird that I think they are weapons. They make me, and others, feel unnaturally fatigued.
Social Services takes children from vulnerable families and feeds them into the various child trafficking businesses: child prostitution, child pornography, experimentation on children.
I am one of the people who, if my case ever got a fair hearing, could pull down Social Services in Israel and they are terrified of a domino effect.
They have the best of reasons to want me neutralized.
In the last few months, three people investigating Social Services corruption in the United States have died. I was in close contact with one of them and more casual contact with another.
This is about HOLLY GREIG not me.
There is more that I am not at liberty to discuss on private fora. The information has been passed on to activists all over the world.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Doreen Dotan@gmail.com
A normal alarm does not have various amplitudes.
I'll tell you all why I believe the sounds I'm hearing are sonic weapons and not alarms.
It's not because the sounds are weird that I think they are weapons.
I am one of the people who, if my case ever got a fair hearing, could pull down Social Services in Israel and they are terrified of a domino effect.
They have the best of reasons to want me neutralized.
Please see the explanatory blurb.
A normal alarm does not have various amplitudes.
I'll tell you all why I believe the sounds I'm hearing are sonic weapons and not alarms.
It's not because the sounds are weird that I think they are weapons.
I am one of the people who, if my case ever got a fair hearing, could pull down Social Services in Israel and they are terrified of a domino effect.
They have the best of reasons to want me neutralized.
Please see the explanatory blurb.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
LRAD The Sound They Don't Want You to Hear
This is the sound I normally hear in short bursts.
This sounded on Sept 1, 2010 at about 19: 20, just once.
Sometimes it is repeated, usually three times.
Since I have been filming, this sound is sounded for shorter intervals.
Yesterday, it went off every time I tried to tape it.
On August 17th, this blasted in my room for about a minute at at time, three times. It sounded like a space ship from a B Sci Fi flick from the '60s. I felt very sick, so sick; it didn't occur to me to tape it until it was almost over. I only got the last second of it, which I uploaded on Facebook.
LRAD, Long Range Accoustic Device, Weapon
This is the sound I normally hear in short bursts.
This sounded on Sept 1, 2010 at about 19: 20, just once.
Sometimes it is repeated, usually three times.
Since I have been filming, this sound is sounded for shorter intervals.
Yesterday, it went off every time I tried to tape it.
On August 17th, this blasted in my room for about a minute at at time, three times. It sounded like a space ship from a B Sci Fi flick from the '60s. I felt very sick, so sick; it didn't occur to me to tape it until it was almost over. I only got the last second of it, which I uploaded on Facebook.
LRAD, Long Range Accoustic Device, Weapon
Saturday, August 28, 2010
LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) Attack
This is the lastest sounding of LRAD that I heard.
This was taped from my livingroom window.
Usually it's loudest from my bedroom, but as I was in the livingroom when it started and didn't want to lose seconds of taping; I ran to the window in that room.
It took a couple of second for me to get to the window with the camera to record.
So, the sound went on for exactly two minutes.
The sound appeared to be coming from the industrial area. But this is Shabbat and it was 5:35 am and the factories are all closed.
There are no parked cars back of our building. The parking area is in the front.
If you have any doubt that this is LRAD, watch and listen to this video of it's deployment in Pittsburg during the G20 demo:
You'll hear that it's the same sound except the frequency at the G20 demo was slightly higher.
Listen to it here: WARNING turn your speakers on a low volume, as the video opens with the sound from the start:
When I was uploading my video, I sat down in an easy chair, as my stomach hurt slightly.
Lula, my cat, came over to knead my stomach.
Now, more than an hour after being exposed my stomach hurts worse and I am nauseous.
As I wrote on Facebook, my Husband and I heard this at 10:50 am as well.
We have been hit with sonic weapons twice in an 18.5 hour period (that we are aware of). Bear in mind, if this goes into the ultrasonic or infrasonic, we don't know about it.
It has been suggested to us by a number of people that microwaves may be being deployed against us as well.
But the sonic beams are for sure, as this video attests.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
This is the lastest sounding of LRAD that I heard.
This was taped from my livingroom window.
Usually it's loudest from my bedroom, but as I was in the livingroom when it started and didn't want to lose seconds of taping; I ran to the window in that room.
It took a couple of second for me to get to the window with the camera to record.
So, the sound went on for exactly two minutes.
The sound appeared to be coming from the industrial area. But this is Shabbat and it was 5:35 am and the factories are all closed.
There are no parked cars back of our building. The parking area is in the front.
If you have any doubt that this is LRAD, watch and listen to this video of it's deployment in Pittsburg during the G20 demo:
You'll hear that it's the same sound except the frequency at the G20 demo was slightly higher.
Listen to it here: WARNING turn your speakers on a low volume, as the video opens with the sound from the start:
When I was uploading my video, I sat down in an easy chair, as my stomach hurt slightly.
Lula, my cat, came over to knead my stomach.
Now, more than an hour after being exposed my stomach hurts worse and I am nauseous.
As I wrote on Facebook, my Husband and I heard this at 10:50 am as well.
We have been hit with sonic weapons twice in an 18.5 hour period (that we are aware of). Bear in mind, if this goes into the ultrasonic or infrasonic, we don't know about it.
It has been suggested to us by a number of people that microwaves may be being deployed against us as well.
But the sonic beams are for sure, as this video attests.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
There is NO EXCUSE for this Vile Shabta'ut
Punk Jews
We were warned by our Sages, of blessed memory, that the final generations would be confronted with a Judaism that is proundly compromised, infiltrated, flawed and that we would languish from thirst for real Torah, which is likened to living waters.
We were told by our Sages to hold on to that last precious thread of Torah knowledge that would be available in these dark times and persevere and know that HaShem would save us, Yes! even from this hardest of trials our People had ever endured, and bring us to a knowledge of Torah that was not theretofore known - not even by Moshe Rebbenu.
The fact that Judaism today is not glatt kosher is no excuse for revelling like pigs.
This is the time of the last sifting of the flour. The last sifting.
Punk Jews
We were warned by our Sages, of blessed memory, that the final generations would be confronted with a Judaism that is proundly compromised, infiltrated, flawed and that we would languish from thirst for real Torah, which is likened to living waters.
We were told by our Sages to hold on to that last precious thread of Torah knowledge that would be available in these dark times and persevere and know that HaShem would save us, Yes! even from this hardest of trials our People had ever endured, and bring us to a knowledge of Torah that was not theretofore known - not even by Moshe Rebbenu.
The fact that Judaism today is not glatt kosher is no excuse for revelling like pigs.
This is the time of the last sifting of the flour. The last sifting.
Monday, August 02, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
It is High Time We Acknowledged the White Elephant in the Room
This piece is in response to this most alarming article:
Earth experiencing sixth great mass extinction; this one may be caused by humans
Clearly, matters do not break down neatly into racial and ethnic groups. Howver, I do think that we can no longer afford to pussyfoot around and ignore the socipathic elephant in the room – and that elephant is, in the main, a White elephant – trumpeting its crazed rage, charging and trampling everything under foot without distinction.
We are going to have to make a decision whether to live in a world without sociopaths or without bees and bats.
I think all people should be measured by the same yardstick of Humanity and be asked such questions as the following to prove that they have a moral mandate to continue to live on this magnificent planet:
Did you ever kill someone who posed no threat to you and/or meant you no harm?
Did you ever poison the food or water supply?
Did you ever submit a child to experimentation?
Does you believe in a religion that says that anyone who doesn't follow your way is deserving of eternal punishment?
What do you enjoy more- making another happy or hurting someone?
Have you ever planted a tree that wasn't fenced in and intended for your own pleasure?
Do you live below your means in order to preserve natural resources?
How much of your day do you dedicate to others without any remuneration?
Would you do something against your conscience if your boss or government told you to?
Did you ever endanger yourself for another upon whom you do not depend in some way?
Was your chosen profession/course of study intended to help Humanity or just make the most money or get the most power and influence for you?
Let all Humanity be subjected to the same questioning. Fair and square.
I think we all know that each of our ethnic groups and races will have to eliminate some sociopaths in order for the rest of Humanity and this planet to be kept safe - with the Whites heading the list as having the most sociopaths among them.
The same people who looked upon others and devised the negative Eugenics program and who decided that some people are "life not worthy to be lived" were projecting the truth about themselves.
Any honest and objective comparison of White history to that of the world will reveal that they were the perpetrators of the overwhelming majority of atrocities. It is they who devastated culture after culture. It is White-owned, multinational corporations that are destroying the ecology of this planet.
You can have your precious PC if you wish. I want the birds, the bees, the bats, the fish. Goddamnit, I want the blue sky again and I want to sing and dance with and learn from and share with that part of Humanity that has not sinned against the Laws of Nature. Your way, there will be none of them.
A friend wrote: "We human beings are, as Nietzsche said, the skin-disease of the earth."
The generosity, eagerness and largesse of the Whites in inviting all of Humanity to share the guilt of their perversity and destruction, in contradistinction to their reluctance to share their wealth and power, always amaze me.
Let's face it; the ugly reality is that the Whites adapted a bit too well to the Ice Age. They are stuck in a time warp. They still look out on the world and see a bitterly cold and harsh tundra, described by cruel scarcity, even in a rain jungle. Their behavior is wholly inappropriate to the planet as it is today. There has been no event on Earth as positively compelling as the Ice Age was brutality compelling to force them to evolve out of the Ice Age. The weltanschauung and behavior of the White race is an anachronism. They are, quite literally, perfectly adapted to Earth when it was another planet.
We have humored, cajoled and mollycoddled them as long as nature allowed. We can't afford to be so generous anymore. They crossed the line. It is now a matter of undeniable choice: the sociopaths have to go or the whole planet will be destroyed by them - and we will all go, them too.
Yes, there are certainly Whites who are not psychopaths, a goodly number of them. They suffer horrifically in their societies in which they are a persecuted, if not an outright hunted, minority. Every care must be extended to protect them.
Yes, there are sociopaths among all the human groups, but they do not evince mass, organized, focused, systematic, pseudo-scientific sociopathy (think phrenology). They did not devise elaborate negative Eugenic theories - and then implement them methodically, systematically - indeed, gleefully and with diabolical ingenuity.
The closest thing to the psychopathy of the Whites among other peoples is the Japanese among the Asiatics. Even they run a sad second when it comes to deviance and moral degeneracy.
There is no honest denial that the sheer scope and extremity of the depravity of the Whites, and the ingenuity and vast resources that they bring to bear in the execution of their madness, is unparalleled.
The psychopaths have thrown down the gauntlet. It is either them or us.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Doreen Dotan@gmail.com
This piece is in response to this most alarming article:
Earth experiencing sixth great mass extinction; this one may be caused by humans
Clearly, matters do not break down neatly into racial and ethnic groups. Howver, I do think that we can no longer afford to pussyfoot around and ignore the socipathic elephant in the room – and that elephant is, in the main, a White elephant – trumpeting its crazed rage, charging and trampling everything under foot without distinction.
We are going to have to make a decision whether to live in a world without sociopaths or without bees and bats.
I think all people should be measured by the same yardstick of Humanity and be asked such questions as the following to prove that they have a moral mandate to continue to live on this magnificent planet:
Did you ever kill someone who posed no threat to you and/or meant you no harm?
Did you ever poison the food or water supply?
Did you ever submit a child to experimentation?
Does you believe in a religion that says that anyone who doesn't follow your way is deserving of eternal punishment?
What do you enjoy more- making another happy or hurting someone?
Have you ever planted a tree that wasn't fenced in and intended for your own pleasure?
Do you live below your means in order to preserve natural resources?
How much of your day do you dedicate to others without any remuneration?
Would you do something against your conscience if your boss or government told you to?
Did you ever endanger yourself for another upon whom you do not depend in some way?
Was your chosen profession/course of study intended to help Humanity or just make the most money or get the most power and influence for you?
Let all Humanity be subjected to the same questioning. Fair and square.
I think we all know that each of our ethnic groups and races will have to eliminate some sociopaths in order for the rest of Humanity and this planet to be kept safe - with the Whites heading the list as having the most sociopaths among them.
The same people who looked upon others and devised the negative Eugenics program and who decided that some people are "life not worthy to be lived" were projecting the truth about themselves.
Any honest and objective comparison of White history to that of the world will reveal that they were the perpetrators of the overwhelming majority of atrocities. It is they who devastated culture after culture. It is White-owned, multinational corporations that are destroying the ecology of this planet.
You can have your precious PC if you wish. I want the birds, the bees, the bats, the fish. Goddamnit, I want the blue sky again and I want to sing and dance with and learn from and share with that part of Humanity that has not sinned against the Laws of Nature. Your way, there will be none of them.
A friend wrote: "We human beings are, as Nietzsche said, the skin-disease of the earth."
The generosity, eagerness and largesse of the Whites in inviting all of Humanity to share the guilt of their perversity and destruction, in contradistinction to their reluctance to share their wealth and power, always amaze me.
Let's face it; the ugly reality is that the Whites adapted a bit too well to the Ice Age. They are stuck in a time warp. They still look out on the world and see a bitterly cold and harsh tundra, described by cruel scarcity, even in a rain jungle. Their behavior is wholly inappropriate to the planet as it is today. There has been no event on Earth as positively compelling as the Ice Age was brutality compelling to force them to evolve out of the Ice Age. The weltanschauung and behavior of the White race is an anachronism. They are, quite literally, perfectly adapted to Earth when it was another planet.
We have humored, cajoled and mollycoddled them as long as nature allowed. We can't afford to be so generous anymore. They crossed the line. It is now a matter of undeniable choice: the sociopaths have to go or the whole planet will be destroyed by them - and we will all go, them too.
Yes, there are certainly Whites who are not psychopaths, a goodly number of them. They suffer horrifically in their societies in which they are a persecuted, if not an outright hunted, minority. Every care must be extended to protect them.
Yes, there are sociopaths among all the human groups, but they do not evince mass, organized, focused, systematic, pseudo-scientific sociopathy (think phrenology). They did not devise elaborate negative Eugenic theories - and then implement them methodically, systematically - indeed, gleefully and with diabolical ingenuity.
The closest thing to the psychopathy of the Whites among other peoples is the Japanese among the Asiatics. Even they run a sad second when it comes to deviance and moral degeneracy.
There is no honest denial that the sheer scope and extremity of the depravity of the Whites, and the ingenuity and vast resources that they bring to bear in the execution of their madness, is unparalleled.
The psychopaths have thrown down the gauntlet. It is either them or us.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Doreen Dotan@gmail.com
Saturday, July 24, 2010
This is Yitzchak (Buji) Herzog, Minister of Social Affairs (SA) and Social Services (SS) in Israel.
Please watch this video even if you don't understand Hebrew-the better to read his body language.
He is making a bid to become Prime Minister.
An inordinate number of PMs were first Ministers of SA and SS.
Please watch this video even if you don't understand Hebrew-the better to read his body language.
He is making a bid to become Prime Minister.
An inordinate number of PMs were first Ministers of SA and SS.
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