B"H This blog is a compendium of my thoughts on various topics. These are my private writings. *No portion of any of the material here may be recopied or used in any way without my express written permission.* CONTACT:
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Highly Recommended Book YOU GENTILES by Maurice Samuel
This is an amazing book. I don't agree with everything he says, particularly my experience of the God of Yisrael is not gloomy, intense and demanding, yes, gloomy no, but, in the main, he is right on target. It is significant that it was written in 1924, while the world was still deeply traumatized by WWI, but had not yet experienced WWII and the State of Israel was not in existence.
This quote:
"In everything, we are destroyers--even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief... We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own." - You Gentiles, pages 152, 155, and 147.
is taken out of context by anti-Semites. I guess they are counting on the fact that most people will suffice with the quotes as they offer them to you and will not go so far as to purchase the book, or even go to the public library, and read it for themselves. Why don't you prove them wrong?
It is also important that Anarchists and "Lefists" read this, because anti-Semitism is rampant among the gentiles who call themselves Anarchists and "Leftists" and it is important that they know the difference between a Jewish and a gentile Anarchist and a Jewish and a gentile Socialist or Communist.
These are the whole quotes, without the treatcherously misleading excisions:
"Because your chief institution is the social structure inteself, it is in this that we are most manifestly destroyers. We take part in the economic struggle for existence: this necessity we share with you. But our free spiritual energies point away from this struggle, for, unlike you, we have no pleasure in it. You gentiles fight because you like to fight; we fight because we have to – and in order to win." – pg 147
"The Jew is altogether too much of a cosmopolitan - even for your internationalists." - pg. 151
"In everything we are destroyers – even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief. The very socialism and internationalism through which our choked spirit seeks utterance, which seem to threaten your way of life, are alien to our spirit's demands and needs. Your socialists and internationalist are not serious. The charm of these movements, the attraction, such as it is, which they exercise, is only in their struggle: it is the fight which draws your gentile radicals." – pg 152-3
There is more passages that the anti-Semitic detractors of this magnificent book does not dare to include in their mendaciously partial quotes.
"When the reckoning is drawn up your guilt cries to heaven: whatever have been your relations to each other, we Jews have at least been the common denominator of your brutality. Compared with each other, you are gentlemen, warriors, democracies: set side by side with us, you are bullies and cowards and mobs. Quotes such as these: In vain do your quiescent majorities wash their hands; their quiescence is their effective guilt - I care not that your minorities struck the blow: I should not acquit the majority if I could give judgement and impose punishment."
That you are unable to meet us on the spiritual level is made evident by the following: We are a disturbing influence in your life not through our own fault." - 128-129.
"Your world spins in a joyous illusion of progress; we, untouched by that illusion, destructive of your mood, stand aside, static, serious. We will be satisfied with nothing but the absolute." pg. 187
And, most importantly, let's complete the sentence and the passage that was mendaciously cut off by the anti-Semites who quotes Maurice Samuel, of blessed memory:
"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. Beyond all temporary alliances with this or that faction lies the ultimate split in nature and destiny, the enmity between the Game and God." – pg 155
And there is this:
"We dream of a world of utter justice and God-spirit, a world which whould be barren for you, devoid of all nourishment, bleak, unfriendly, unsympathetic. You do not want such a world: you are unapt for it. Seen in the dazzling light of your desires and needs our ideal is repellently morose." - 148-149
What Samuel is saying is not that the Jews are deliberate destroyers, or want to be. He is saying that we inadvertently destroy Gentile society, which is nothing but sport, pageantry and spectacle, because we demand a seriousness, a reality and a morality from life that is far greater than gentiles can ever provide and so among the gentiles we are forever trying to create moral structures that, as gentiles are not able to bear them, break under the weight of them.
One of the most remarkable things that Maurice Samuels says in his book YOU GENTILES, and which has been my experience too, to my chagrin is that the Jewish radical is no less unlike our gentile counterpart than the Orthodox traditional Jew is like a believing Xian.In both cases, our conception of righteousness, of morality, is so very much more sincere and profound as conceived by the Jew that we are wholly misunderstood.
It is not the Jewish Socialists who degraded Socialism, as it is not the Jewish Anarchists who degraded Anarchy. It was the gentile Socialists and Anarchists who made compromises with absolute justice, morality and concern for the other needed for those systems to work who degraded them.
Then the Jews were blamed for the fact that Socialism is, in practice, a totalitarian system. Gentiles made it so, not we.
It is very interesting too, how often the word 'alien' is used in this book in the sense of one who is a stranger. Since this book is one of the classic texts that the anti-Semites turn to for fodder with which to load their cannons against us, it may me assumed that all this recent talk of malevolent aliens from space, shapeshifting (Samuel indeed employs the word 'protean' on page 172) and infiltrating the elite is a code word for assimilated Jews.
Toward the very end of the book, Maurice Samuel, of blessed memory writes:
"...if this book offends by it assertiveness, God knows that the infinite tactfulness of thousands of other Jews seems to have offended you no less." pg. 221
Amen, my holy,beautiful and absolutely Jewish Brother
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
This is an amazing book. I don't agree with everything he says, particularly my experience of the God of Yisrael is not gloomy, intense and demanding, yes, gloomy no, but, in the main, he is right on target. It is significant that it was written in 1924, while the world was still deeply traumatized by WWI, but had not yet experienced WWII and the State of Israel was not in existence.
This quote:
"In everything, we are destroyers--even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief... We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own." - You Gentiles, pages 152, 155, and 147.
is taken out of context by anti-Semites. I guess they are counting on the fact that most people will suffice with the quotes as they offer them to you and will not go so far as to purchase the book, or even go to the public library, and read it for themselves. Why don't you prove them wrong?
It is also important that Anarchists and "Lefists" read this, because anti-Semitism is rampant among the gentiles who call themselves Anarchists and "Leftists" and it is important that they know the difference between a Jewish and a gentile Anarchist and a Jewish and a gentile Socialist or Communist.
These are the whole quotes, without the treatcherously misleading excisions:
"Because your chief institution is the social structure inteself, it is in this that we are most manifestly destroyers. We take part in the economic struggle for existence: this necessity we share with you. But our free spiritual energies point away from this struggle, for, unlike you, we have no pleasure in it. You gentiles fight because you like to fight; we fight because we have to – and in order to win." – pg 147
"The Jew is altogether too much of a cosmopolitan - even for your internationalists." - pg. 151
"In everything we are destroyers – even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief. The very socialism and internationalism through which our choked spirit seeks utterance, which seem to threaten your way of life, are alien to our spirit's demands and needs. Your socialists and internationalist are not serious. The charm of these movements, the attraction, such as it is, which they exercise, is only in their struggle: it is the fight which draws your gentile radicals." – pg 152-3
There is more passages that the anti-Semitic detractors of this magnificent book does not dare to include in their mendaciously partial quotes.
"When the reckoning is drawn up your guilt cries to heaven: whatever have been your relations to each other, we Jews have at least been the common denominator of your brutality. Compared with each other, you are gentlemen, warriors, democracies: set side by side with us, you are bullies and cowards and mobs. Quotes such as these: In vain do your quiescent majorities wash their hands; their quiescence is their effective guilt - I care not that your minorities struck the blow: I should not acquit the majority if I could give judgement and impose punishment."
That you are unable to meet us on the spiritual level is made evident by the following: We are a disturbing influence in your life not through our own fault." - 128-129.
"Your world spins in a joyous illusion of progress; we, untouched by that illusion, destructive of your mood, stand aside, static, serious. We will be satisfied with nothing but the absolute." pg. 187
And, most importantly, let's complete the sentence and the passage that was mendaciously cut off by the anti-Semites who quotes Maurice Samuel, of blessed memory:
"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. Beyond all temporary alliances with this or that faction lies the ultimate split in nature and destiny, the enmity between the Game and God." – pg 155
And there is this:
"We dream of a world of utter justice and God-spirit, a world which whould be barren for you, devoid of all nourishment, bleak, unfriendly, unsympathetic. You do not want such a world: you are unapt for it. Seen in the dazzling light of your desires and needs our ideal is repellently morose." - 148-149
What Samuel is saying is not that the Jews are deliberate destroyers, or want to be. He is saying that we inadvertently destroy Gentile society, which is nothing but sport, pageantry and spectacle, because we demand a seriousness, a reality and a morality from life that is far greater than gentiles can ever provide and so among the gentiles we are forever trying to create moral structures that, as gentiles are not able to bear them, break under the weight of them.
One of the most remarkable things that Maurice Samuels says in his book YOU GENTILES, and which has been my experience too, to my chagrin is that the Jewish radical is no less unlike our gentile counterpart than the Orthodox traditional Jew is like a believing Xian.In both cases, our conception of righteousness, of morality, is so very much more sincere and profound as conceived by the Jew that we are wholly misunderstood.
It is not the Jewish Socialists who degraded Socialism, as it is not the Jewish Anarchists who degraded Anarchy. It was the gentile Socialists and Anarchists who made compromises with absolute justice, morality and concern for the other needed for those systems to work who degraded them.
Then the Jews were blamed for the fact that Socialism is, in practice, a totalitarian system. Gentiles made it so, not we.
It is very interesting too, how often the word 'alien' is used in this book in the sense of one who is a stranger. Since this book is one of the classic texts that the anti-Semites turn to for fodder with which to load their cannons against us, it may me assumed that all this recent talk of malevolent aliens from space, shapeshifting (Samuel indeed employs the word 'protean' on page 172) and infiltrating the elite is a code word for assimilated Jews.
Toward the very end of the book, Maurice Samuel, of blessed memory writes:
"...if this book offends by it assertiveness, God knows that the infinite tactfulness of thousands of other Jews seems to have offended you no less." pg. 221
Amen, my holy,beautiful and absolutely Jewish Brother
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The Coming of Ben David
If HaMashiach, ben David, is to come; it will have to be that we find within ourselves not only the love of Godliness, but this:
"If You would slay the wicked, O God--depart from me therefore, you men of blood;
who utter Your Name with wicked thought, they take it for falsehood, even Your enemies--
Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate You? And do not I strive with those that rise up against You?
I hate them with utmost hatred; I count them my enemies.
Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts;
And see if there be any way in me that is grievous, and lead me in the way everlasting." - Psalms Chapter 139
Those who hate the People of Yisra'el hate the God of Yisra'el. Understand this! It is not against us that they rage. It is against HaShem. Would that they could, they would do to HaShem what they have done to us.
If the world is to be ridded of evil it will only be if the Jews recover our ability to hate evil with every fiber of our being and not to have any compassion on the wicked.
We are wrong to pray for the redemption of all peoples. Some peoples are damaged beyond redemption. This is what our Torah tells us!
It is we who had compassion on the cruel and we who suffered for that terrible mistake.
Enough! Let us pray with all of our hearts and Souls to the God of Yisrael to rid this beautiful world of evil, without compassion, without remorse.
It is a MITZVAH to hate evil! It is a MITZVAH D'OREITA! Understand this!
It was Yeshu who taught love for ones enemies.
It sounded so nice, so spiritual, so exalted. Even we Jews bought into it. It may be true that only we Jews bought it. Do you believe that the Romans or the Germanic tribes ever took that seriously?
It seemed to be an extension of ואהבת לרעך כמוך. But Torah teaches not to add and not to subtract from the teachings of Torah *as they are formulated*.
Loving one's enemies was a "teaching" from the Sitra Achra and it loosed destruction and desolation on the world.
Return, Oh My Beautiful People, to the words of the true father of HaMashiach, to David, the beloved of our King. He was loved by God more for his utmost hatred of evil than for his utmost love of God! God does not need our love, but the world needs our hatred of evil.
Understand that the God of Yisra'el does only what the People of Yisrael pray for! Know this! If we collectively pray with all of our hearts, Souls and might for the destruction of evil, God will do so, as the Rabbis have taught: "A tzaddik decrees and God fulfills."
If there is evil in this world it is only because we Jews tolerate it!
The collective prayers of the Jews, if we pray with One heart, with One resolve are powerful enough to move God to do justice once and for all. Know this!
We can will evil out of existence. This is the true meaning of every commandment to do battle in Torah. Know this!
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Yisra'el
If HaMashiach, ben David, is to come; it will have to be that we find within ourselves not only the love of Godliness, but this:
"If You would slay the wicked, O God--depart from me therefore, you men of blood;
who utter Your Name with wicked thought, they take it for falsehood, even Your enemies--
Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate You? And do not I strive with those that rise up against You?
I hate them with utmost hatred; I count them my enemies.
Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts;
And see if there be any way in me that is grievous, and lead me in the way everlasting." - Psalms Chapter 139
Those who hate the People of Yisra'el hate the God of Yisra'el. Understand this! It is not against us that they rage. It is against HaShem. Would that they could, they would do to HaShem what they have done to us.
If the world is to be ridded of evil it will only be if the Jews recover our ability to hate evil with every fiber of our being and not to have any compassion on the wicked.
We are wrong to pray for the redemption of all peoples. Some peoples are damaged beyond redemption. This is what our Torah tells us!
It is we who had compassion on the cruel and we who suffered for that terrible mistake.
Enough! Let us pray with all of our hearts and Souls to the God of Yisrael to rid this beautiful world of evil, without compassion, without remorse.
It is a MITZVAH to hate evil! It is a MITZVAH D'OREITA! Understand this!
It was Yeshu who taught love for ones enemies.
It sounded so nice, so spiritual, so exalted. Even we Jews bought into it. It may be true that only we Jews bought it. Do you believe that the Romans or the Germanic tribes ever took that seriously?
It seemed to be an extension of ואהבת לרעך כמוך. But Torah teaches not to add and not to subtract from the teachings of Torah *as they are formulated*.
Loving one's enemies was a "teaching" from the Sitra Achra and it loosed destruction and desolation on the world.
Return, Oh My Beautiful People, to the words of the true father of HaMashiach, to David, the beloved of our King. He was loved by God more for his utmost hatred of evil than for his utmost love of God! God does not need our love, but the world needs our hatred of evil.
Understand that the God of Yisra'el does only what the People of Yisrael pray for! Know this! If we collectively pray with all of our hearts, Souls and might for the destruction of evil, God will do so, as the Rabbis have taught: "A tzaddik decrees and God fulfills."
If there is evil in this world it is only because we Jews tolerate it!
The collective prayers of the Jews, if we pray with One heart, with One resolve are powerful enough to move God to do justice once and for all. Know this!
We can will evil out of existence. This is the true meaning of every commandment to do battle in Torah. Know this!
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Yisra'el
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Judaism in Contradistinction to the Idol Worship of the Gentiles
Someone asked: "Did Jesus come to India? A British film," Young Jesus: The Missing Years" is being produced. Ken Walwin, the producer is in Delhi scouting for locations in India."
Someone commented: "THE CHRISTIAN CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY I THINK IS INFLUENCED BY THE THREE HINDU gods: Brahman, the creator; Vishnu the Preserver and sustainer and Shiva the god of death and destruction."
Another comment was: "The important thing for people to remember,Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi, that lived in the East, not the west! Which means he practiced Hindu and Buddhist philosiphies, as did most Jewish people of His Time. He was NOT a Christian, and He never intended to start a religion! And yes, he is said to have traveled a lot, India, being one place, and even England. Christians always try to deny all of this, but it is the Truth!"
Another person said: "Hinduism in no way is idol worship.Just like the Muslims use the Holy Kabba as a form to be adored and they circumnabulate it, in the same manner Hindus use idols as means of concentration. So when the jews condemned the son of God to the cross no wonder they can't reach the heights or purity of the Hindu religion, not only a ten feet pole but a thousand feet pole would not be enough to get you close to God."
When they were talking about Yeshu I kept thinking of this incident:
"The Rabbis taught: The left should always be used to push away, and the right, on the other hand to draw nearer. But one should not do it as Elisha who pushed Gehazi away, nor as R. Joshua ben Perachiah, who pushed away Yeshu with both hands. What was the problem with R. Joshua ben Perachiah? When King Yannai ordered the extermination of the Rabbis, R. Joshua ben Perachiah and Yeshu fled to Alexandria. When it was safe to return, Rabbi Simeon ben Shetach sent him a letter:
From me, Jerusalem the holy city, to the Alexandria in Egypt, my sister. My spouse tarries in your midst, and I sit desolate.
Joshua set off at once. During the trip they happened upon an inn in which they treated him with great respect. Joshua commented, "How fair is this inn[1]." Yeshu replied, "But Rabbi, she[1] has unattractive eyes."[2] Joshua replied, "You godless person, do you fill your mind with such things?" Then he had 400 trumpets sounded and anathematized him. Yeshu often came and said to him, "Receive me back." Joshua paid no attention. One day, while Joshua was reciting the Shema, Yeshu came to him, hoping for a reprieve. Joshua made a sign to him with his hand. [3] Yeshu misunderstood, thinking he had been repulsed, so he went away set up a brick and worshipped it. Joshua said to him, "Repent!" Yeshu replied, "I learned this from you: 'Anyone who sins and causes the people to sin, is not allowed the possibility of repentance.'"
[The Teacher said: "Yeshu practiced sorcery and corrupted and misled Israel."]"
It doesn't matter if the brick that Yeshu worshipped was an idol in the Middle East or if he travelled to India to worship one of the statues on one of your temples or a shiva linga.
What is important is that it is idol worship of the grossest kind.
It stuns me that you are so self unaware that you don't think that idols on temples and shiva lingas are idol worship.
It repulses me to think that people who burn widows alive and have a caste system such as yours think that we Jews had to learn compassion from you. Some of our greatest Rabbis were, throughout the ages, simple workers, some engaged in dirty and hard physical work. What bearing does that have on a person's moral/spiritual worth??
Hindus and Buddhist societies are marked by some of the most atrocious human rights abuses in the world. We Jews? Learn compassion from you???
It is clear from what someone said about the Muslims using the kabba that we Jews are the only true monotheists in the world. No other people is able to connect to God without imagery, symbols, statues, personifications and other idol worship.
You will never understand us and you will always hate us because only we are capable of such a relationship to God.
The pity of it is, it is neither God nor we who exclude you from a similar relationship direct with God. It is you. You insist upon your idols - and the horrific human rights abuses that invariably come from idol worship because you can't see God in all beings, despite your pretty words.
In the end, all you have is your words of love and actions of hate.
The Rabbis teach: This is the lowest of the worlds. I did not understand what they meant and I left off my Torah studies to talk to people. They were right. The tragedy is, it is not necessarily so. You love this hell that you live in. We Jews were sent into this world to show you how to connect to God directly, without any intermediaries. Ah, but it requires moral excellence in deeds, not in flowery words. So you prefer to worship your bricks.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Someone asked: "Did Jesus come to India? A British film," Young Jesus: The Missing Years" is being produced. Ken Walwin, the producer is in Delhi scouting for locations in India."
Someone commented: "THE CHRISTIAN CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY I THINK IS INFLUENCED BY THE THREE HINDU gods: Brahman, the creator; Vishnu the Preserver and sustainer and Shiva the god of death and destruction."
Another comment was: "The important thing for people to remember,Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi, that lived in the East, not the west! Which means he practiced Hindu and Buddhist philosiphies, as did most Jewish people of His Time. He was NOT a Christian, and He never intended to start a religion! And yes, he is said to have traveled a lot, India, being one place, and even England. Christians always try to deny all of this, but it is the Truth!"
Another person said: "Hinduism in no way is idol worship.Just like the Muslims use the Holy Kabba as a form to be adored and they circumnabulate it, in the same manner Hindus use idols as means of concentration. So when the jews condemned the son of God to the cross no wonder they can't reach the heights or purity of the Hindu religion, not only a ten feet pole but a thousand feet pole would not be enough to get you close to God."
When they were talking about Yeshu I kept thinking of this incident:
"The Rabbis taught: The left should always be used to push away, and the right, on the other hand to draw nearer. But one should not do it as Elisha who pushed Gehazi away, nor as R. Joshua ben Perachiah, who pushed away Yeshu with both hands. What was the problem with R. Joshua ben Perachiah? When King Yannai ordered the extermination of the Rabbis, R. Joshua ben Perachiah and Yeshu fled to Alexandria. When it was safe to return, Rabbi Simeon ben Shetach sent him a letter:
From me, Jerusalem the holy city, to the Alexandria in Egypt, my sister. My spouse tarries in your midst, and I sit desolate.
Joshua set off at once. During the trip they happened upon an inn in which they treated him with great respect. Joshua commented, "How fair is this inn[1]." Yeshu replied, "But Rabbi, she[1] has unattractive eyes."[2] Joshua replied, "You godless person, do you fill your mind with such things?" Then he had 400 trumpets sounded and anathematized him. Yeshu often came and said to him, "Receive me back." Joshua paid no attention. One day, while Joshua was reciting the Shema, Yeshu came to him, hoping for a reprieve. Joshua made a sign to him with his hand. [3] Yeshu misunderstood, thinking he had been repulsed, so he went away set up a brick and worshipped it. Joshua said to him, "Repent!" Yeshu replied, "I learned this from you: 'Anyone who sins and causes the people to sin, is not allowed the possibility of repentance.'"
[The Teacher said: "Yeshu practiced sorcery and corrupted and misled Israel."]"
It doesn't matter if the brick that Yeshu worshipped was an idol in the Middle East or if he travelled to India to worship one of the statues on one of your temples or a shiva linga.
What is important is that it is idol worship of the grossest kind.
It stuns me that you are so self unaware that you don't think that idols on temples and shiva lingas are idol worship.
It repulses me to think that people who burn widows alive and have a caste system such as yours think that we Jews had to learn compassion from you. Some of our greatest Rabbis were, throughout the ages, simple workers, some engaged in dirty and hard physical work. What bearing does that have on a person's moral/spiritual worth??
Hindus and Buddhist societies are marked by some of the most atrocious human rights abuses in the world. We Jews? Learn compassion from you???
It is clear from what someone said about the Muslims using the kabba that we Jews are the only true monotheists in the world. No other people is able to connect to God without imagery, symbols, statues, personifications and other idol worship.
You will never understand us and you will always hate us because only we are capable of such a relationship to God.
The pity of it is, it is neither God nor we who exclude you from a similar relationship direct with God. It is you. You insist upon your idols - and the horrific human rights abuses that invariably come from idol worship because you can't see God in all beings, despite your pretty words.
In the end, all you have is your words of love and actions of hate.
The Rabbis teach: This is the lowest of the worlds. I did not understand what they meant and I left off my Torah studies to talk to people. They were right. The tragedy is, it is not necessarily so. You love this hell that you live in. We Jews were sent into this world to show you how to connect to God directly, without any intermediaries. Ah, but it requires moral excellence in deeds, not in flowery words. So you prefer to worship your bricks.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Judaism in Contradistinction to the Idol Worship of the Gentiles
Someone asked: "Did Jesus come to India? A British film," Young Jesus: The Missing Years" is being produced. Ken Walwin, the producer is in Delhi scouting for locations in India."
Someone commented: "THE CHRISTIAN CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY I THINK IS INFLUENCED BY THE THREE HINDU gods: Brahman, the creator; Vishnu the Preserver and sustainer and Shiva the god of death and destruction."
Another comment was: "The important thing for people to remember,Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi, that lived in the East, not the west! Which means he practiced Hindu and Buddhist philosiphies, as did most Jewish people of His Time. He was NOT a Christian, and He never intended to start a religion! And yes, he is said to have traveled a lot, India, being one place, and even England. Christians always try to deny all of this, but it is the Truth!"
Another person said: "Hinduism in no way is idol worship.Just like the Muslims use the Holy Kabba as a form to be adored and they circumnabulate it, in the same manner Hindus use idols as means of concentration. So when the jews condemned the son of God to the cross no wonder they can't reach the heights or purity of the Hindu religion, not only a ten feet pole but a thousand feet pole would not be enough to get you close to God."
When they were talking about Yeshu I kept thinking of this incident:
"The Rabbis taught: The left should always be used to push away, and the right, on the other hand to draw nearer. But one should not do it as Elisha who pushed Gehazi away, nor as R. Joshua ben Perachiah, who pushed away Yeshu with both hands. What was the problem with R. Joshua ben Perachiah? When King Yannai ordered the extermination of the Rabbis, R. Joshua ben Perachiah and Yeshu fled to Alexandria. When it was safe to return, Rabbi Simeon ben Shetach sent him a letter:
From me, Jerusalem the holy city, to the Alexandria in Egypt, my sister. My spouse tarries in your midst, and I sit desolate.
Joshua set off at once. During the trip they happened upon an inn in which they treated him with great respect. Joshua commented, "How fair is this inn[1]." Yeshu replied, "But Rabbi, she[1] has unattractive eyes."[2] Joshua replied, "You godless person, do you fill your mind with such things?" Then he had 400 trumpets sounded and anathematized him. Yeshu often came and said to him, "Receive me back." Joshua paid no attention. One day, while Joshua was reciting the Shema, Yeshu came to him, hoping for a reprieve. Joshua made a sign to him with his hand. [3] Yeshu misunderstood, thinking he had been repulsed, so he went away set up a brick and worshipped it. Joshua said to him, "Repent!" Yeshu replied, "I learned this from you: 'Anyone who sins and causes the people to sin, is not allowed the possibility of repentance.'"
[The Teacher said: "Yeshu practiced sorcery and corrupted and misled Israel."]"
It doesn't matter if the brick that Yeshu worshipped was an idol in the Middle East or if he travelled to India to worship one of the statues on one of your temples or a shiva linga.
What is important is that it is idol worship of the grossest kind.
It stuns me that you are so self unaware that you don't think that idols on temples and shiva lingas are idol worship.
It repulses me to think that people who burn widows alive and have a caste system such as yours think that we Jews had to learn compassion from you. Some of our greatest Rabbis were, throughout the ages, simple workers, some engaged in dirty and hard physical work. What bearing does that have on a person's moral/spiritual worth??
Hindus and Buddhist societies are marked by some of the most atrocious human rights abuses in the world. We Jews? Learn compassion from you???
It is clear from what someone said about the Muslims using the kabba that we Jews are the only true monotheists in the world. No other people is able to connect to God without imagery, symbols, statues, personifications and other idol worship.
You will never understand us and you will always hate us because only we are capable of such a relationship to God.
The pity of it is, it is neither God nor we who exclude you from a similar relationship direct with God. It is you. You insist upon your idols - and the horrific human rights abuses that invariably come from idol worship because you can't see God in all beings, despite your pretty words.
In the end, all you have is your words of love and actions of hate.
The Rabbis teach: This is the lowest of the worlds. I did not understand what they meant and I left off my Torah studies to talk to people. They were right. The tragedy is, it is not necessarily so. You love this hell that you live in. We Jews were sent into this world to show you how to connect to God directly, without any intermediaries. Ah, but it requires moral excellence in deeds, not in flowery words. So you prefer to worship your bricks.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Someone asked: "Did Jesus come to India? A British film," Young Jesus: The Missing Years" is being produced. Ken Walwin, the producer is in Delhi scouting for locations in India."
Someone commented: "THE CHRISTIAN CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY I THINK IS INFLUENCED BY THE THREE HINDU gods: Brahman, the creator; Vishnu the Preserver and sustainer and Shiva the god of death and destruction."
Another comment was: "The important thing for people to remember,Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi, that lived in the East, not the west! Which means he practiced Hindu and Buddhist philosiphies, as did most Jewish people of His Time. He was NOT a Christian, and He never intended to start a religion! And yes, he is said to have traveled a lot, India, being one place, and even England. Christians always try to deny all of this, but it is the Truth!"
Another person said: "Hinduism in no way is idol worship.Just like the Muslims use the Holy Kabba as a form to be adored and they circumnabulate it, in the same manner Hindus use idols as means of concentration. So when the jews condemned the son of God to the cross no wonder they can't reach the heights or purity of the Hindu religion, not only a ten feet pole but a thousand feet pole would not be enough to get you close to God."
When they were talking about Yeshu I kept thinking of this incident:
"The Rabbis taught: The left should always be used to push away, and the right, on the other hand to draw nearer. But one should not do it as Elisha who pushed Gehazi away, nor as R. Joshua ben Perachiah, who pushed away Yeshu with both hands. What was the problem with R. Joshua ben Perachiah? When King Yannai ordered the extermination of the Rabbis, R. Joshua ben Perachiah and Yeshu fled to Alexandria. When it was safe to return, Rabbi Simeon ben Shetach sent him a letter:
From me, Jerusalem the holy city, to the Alexandria in Egypt, my sister. My spouse tarries in your midst, and I sit desolate.
Joshua set off at once. During the trip they happened upon an inn in which they treated him with great respect. Joshua commented, "How fair is this inn[1]." Yeshu replied, "But Rabbi, she[1] has unattractive eyes."[2] Joshua replied, "You godless person, do you fill your mind with such things?" Then he had 400 trumpets sounded and anathematized him. Yeshu often came and said to him, "Receive me back." Joshua paid no attention. One day, while Joshua was reciting the Shema, Yeshu came to him, hoping for a reprieve. Joshua made a sign to him with his hand. [3] Yeshu misunderstood, thinking he had been repulsed, so he went away set up a brick and worshipped it. Joshua said to him, "Repent!" Yeshu replied, "I learned this from you: 'Anyone who sins and causes the people to sin, is not allowed the possibility of repentance.'"
[The Teacher said: "Yeshu practiced sorcery and corrupted and misled Israel."]"
It doesn't matter if the brick that Yeshu worshipped was an idol in the Middle East or if he travelled to India to worship one of the statues on one of your temples or a shiva linga.
What is important is that it is idol worship of the grossest kind.
It stuns me that you are so self unaware that you don't think that idols on temples and shiva lingas are idol worship.
It repulses me to think that people who burn widows alive and have a caste system such as yours think that we Jews had to learn compassion from you. Some of our greatest Rabbis were, throughout the ages, simple workers, some engaged in dirty and hard physical work. What bearing does that have on a person's moral/spiritual worth??
Hindus and Buddhist societies are marked by some of the most atrocious human rights abuses in the world. We Jews? Learn compassion from you???
It is clear from what someone said about the Muslims using the kabba that we Jews are the only true monotheists in the world. No other people is able to connect to God without imagery, symbols, statues, personifications and other idol worship.
You will never understand us and you will always hate us because only we are capable of such a relationship to God.
The pity of it is, it is neither God nor we who exclude you from a similar relationship direct with God. It is you. You insist upon your idols - and the horrific human rights abuses that invariably come from idol worship because you can't see God in all beings, despite your pretty words.
In the end, all you have is your words of love and actions of hate.
The Rabbis teach: This is the lowest of the worlds. I did not understand what they meant and I left off my Torah studies to talk to people. They were right. The tragedy is, it is not necessarily so. You love this hell that you live in. We Jews were sent into this world to show you how to connect to God directly, without any intermediaries. Ah, but it requires moral excellence in deeds, not in flowery words. So you prefer to worship your bricks.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
"Yeshu taught complete love and forgiveness" is oft repeated.
The Jews are far too wise to teach nothing but love and forgiveness.
We know that loving-kindness has to be balanced with severity and we know to withhold forgiveness until one has demonstrated not only the willingness to make amends, but to undertake to make the amends in actuality.
We know that the surest way to unleash the dark side is to take the way of unbalanced and unbridled compassion, for we know, as the Talmud teaches: He who is compassionate to the cruel will, in the end, be cruel to the compassionate.
The Jews have always known that the dark side has to be slowly but surely coerced until it succumbs to the service of God and then it lends its strength to the good.
We have always known that to try to destroy the dark side is the surest way to make it stronger.
Yeshu knew this too. He knew that the surest way to bring out the bestial and the twisted in the gentiles was to tell them to try to be nothing but sweetness and light. And history has proven how effective the technique is.
Yeshu knew that the dark side in gentiles is far stronger than their light side and if forced to be nice, the backlash would be vicious.
Beware the Xian who speaks too softly, too sweetly. The beast is right behind the veil.
When Christians say: I love you, they mean: I wish you dead.
Real love is not so easily expressed. It is far too deep.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
We have won our case against the water company, Peleg HaGalil.
The file Number is 11599-01-09
The site is:
We were awarded 3000 NIS all told, including the overcharge of the water (over 600 NIS), compensation for the time we asked for that we took to prepare the case and the mental stress that we were put under as a result of having three warnings sent to us by Peleg HaGalil. Those warnings also included, in addition of warnings that our water would be turned off, warnings of added charges, warnings to take legal action against us, warnings to withhold our income and even to seize whatever property we might own.
Small Claims Court Judge, Saab Dabur, was clearly displeased at the inappropriate language of the warnings, which I showed him in Court.
The Judge asked the representatives of Peleg HaGalil: "Is the language of these warnings legal?"
The representatives of Peleg HaGalil began to stammer that their lawyer wrote the text of the warnings.
The Judge said: "Do you think it's reasonable to threaten to take people's homes away for a few hundred shekels of water?"
We are very pleased with the outcome of the suit and think the decision of Judge Saab Dabur was most fair and equitable.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
The file Number is 11599-01-09
The site is:
We were awarded 3000 NIS all told, including the overcharge of the water (over 600 NIS), compensation for the time we asked for that we took to prepare the case and the mental stress that we were put under as a result of having three warnings sent to us by Peleg HaGalil. Those warnings also included, in addition of warnings that our water would be turned off, warnings of added charges, warnings to take legal action against us, warnings to withhold our income and even to seize whatever property we might own.
Small Claims Court Judge, Saab Dabur, was clearly displeased at the inappropriate language of the warnings, which I showed him in Court.
The Judge asked the representatives of Peleg HaGalil: "Is the language of these warnings legal?"
The representatives of Peleg HaGalil began to stammer that their lawyer wrote the text of the warnings.
The Judge said: "Do you think it's reasonable to threaten to take people's homes away for a few hundred shekels of water?"
We are very pleased with the outcome of the suit and think the decision of Judge Saab Dabur was most fair and equitable.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Proof Positive There is a God
Take a look at this poster:
Poisonous and Psychotropic Mushrooms Poster
Psychedelic Mushrooms
Just look at them.
God had to be under the influence of one of them when It created them. Who else can do that?
There ya go. Proof positive.
I rest my case.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
Take a look at this poster:
Poisonous and Psychotropic Mushrooms Poster
Psychedelic Mushrooms
Just look at them.
God had to be under the influence of one of them when It created them. Who else can do that?
There ya go. Proof positive.
I rest my case.
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel
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